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[訓練] 如何使用浮板練習腿部動作

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>> training aid << Kick Board 

Canadian Olympic swimmer Ryan Cochrane of Victoria, B.C., uses a kick board as he practices at the Phoenix Swim Club in Phoenix, Arizona, April 26, 2012. Cochrane and his fellow Olympians have been training in Phoenix as they prepare for the upcoming 2012 Olympics in London. (Darryl Webb/Reuters) (photo was taken from the website of CANOE.CA at 

A nice training aid to help you develop kicking technique of crawl, breaststroke and backstroke. It's advisable not to employ kick board for training butterfly to avoid back injury.

It's rather a common practice here that the pools prepare kick boards for swimmers to use. So, just ask the lifeguard for one and return it after you've done with your workout.

Kick boards come in various shapes, so you may feel like preparing one for yourself. You may ask your friends or other swimmers who use different kind of kick boards for its pros and cons, and even borrow it to try out yourself before you decide which kind to buy.

last update: Jul. 23, 2014

台長: frank
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