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2009-04-04 15:50:23


“写不出来的诗” 不同于没写出来的 诗,也不是 未完成的诗 - 雾里 迷失的船,漂浮 在无风的地界, 地图无用,水流无踪。 在写不出来的 诗里,没有担忧, 没有太多沉重的货物, 轻飘飘的。这是...

2009-01-20 13:26:04

”Thread” 线 by Dan Chiasson

Thread  线 by Dan Chiasson (New Yorker,12/22/2008)I lack the rigor of a lightning bolt,没有闪电的力道,the weight of an anchor. I am也没有铁锚的稳重。frayed where it would be hig...

2009-01-20 13:18:31

玛丽安·摩尔: ”论诗”

论诗      这玩艺,我也不喜欢:琐碎、无聊,实在没啥重要。可是,尽管十分不屑,读着读着,倒是从中找着了点儿真实。手抓得牢了,眼也睁开了,连头发都能竖起来。这些都挺重要,不是因为旁人把它诠释得如何高妙...

2008-11-03 12:21:25

江雪 (柳宗元)

江雪 柳宗元千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭。孤舟蓑笠翁,独钓寒江雪。Snowy RiverNot a bird was anymore heard,And all footprints the snow had blurred,Save the old man fishing alone In the snow boat, all of his o...

2008-09-20 09:50:30

"重来的童真" (切斯特顿)

读〈切斯特顿传〉,随译小诗一首。此诗作于诗人皈依罗马天主教前后(1922)。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A Second Childhood -G.K. Chesterton 重来的童真 (切斯特顿)...

2008-05-21 15:15:27

"Young Orchard" by Richard Wilbur

Young Orchard 新栽的果树 by ,from New Yorker (May 19, 2008) These trees came to stay. 这些树是来定居的。 Planted at intervals of 他们一字排开, Thirty feet each way, 间隔三十英尺, Each...

2008-05-04 02:17:17

Derek Walcott: "In Italy"

In Italy by Derek Walcott New Yorker (April 21, 2008) I. Roads shouldered by enclosing walls with narrow 路两旁耸起围墙,狭窄的鹅卵石 cobbled tracks for streets, those hill towns with thei...

2008-04-06 23:07:11

"Integer" (整一)

Integer 整一 by Rae Armantrout (New Yorker 4/7/2008) 1. One what? 一什么? One grasp? 一种把握? No hands. 却没有手。 No collection 没有星光 of stars. Something dark 辉映。某种...

2008-04-06 23:04:09


李涉《题鹤林寺壁》 A Drift Life 终日昏昏醉梦间, I drowsed away day after day like one so drunk on dreams, 忽闻春尽强登山。 and hied off to the mount only to catch sweet spring’s ...

2008-03-28 15:11:27

Louise Glück: "三月"

arch 三月 by Louise Glück from New Yorker (March 31, 2008) The light stays longer in the sky, but it’s a cold light, it brings no relief from winter. 天光倒是变长了,但还是冷, 冬日的寒...

2008-03-18 17:05:54

《越人歌》 A Boatman’s Love Song

《越人歌》 A Boatman’s Love Song 今夕何夕兮?搴舟中流。 O, What a night is this? I’m rowin’ in midstream. 今日何日兮?得与王子同舟。 O, What a day is this? I’m aboard with the prince. 蒙...

2008-03-18 17:04:21

"The Telephone" by Robert Frost

The Telephone by Robert Frost 电话("远传的心声") "When I was just as far as I could walk "今天我离开这儿, From here today, 走了很远很远。 There was an hour 整半个时辰 All still 没听见一点声...

2008-03-01 16:21:59

Randall Jarrell: "林中小屋"

The House In The Woods by Randall Jarrell At the back of the houses there is the wood. 屋子后面就是那个树林。 While there is a leaf of summer left, the wood 枝头只剩一片夏日的叶子,而林间的 M...

2008-02-29 04:31:19

"Chinese Poem" by J. D. McClatchy

Chinese Poem 中国诗 by J. D. McClatchy (New Yorker, February 25, 2008) Whatever change you were considering, 随你怎么改造这园子, Do not plant another tree in the garden. 但可别又栽一棵树...

2008-02-11 13:35:25

"The Future " by Billy Collins

本诗刊载于最近一期的《纽约客》杂志。____________________________________________________________________ The Future 未来 by Billy Collins (February 4, 2008) When I finally arrive there— 当我...

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