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2008-01-02 10:54:21

郑敏 "金黄的稻束"

金黄的稻束 郑敏 金黄的稻束站在 割过的秋天的田里 我想起无数个疲倦的母亲 黄昏路上我看见那皱了的美丽的脸; 收获日的满月在 高耸的树巅上, 暮色里,远山 围着我们的心边, 没有一个雕像能比这更静...

2007-10-27 08:24:42

"November" by Robert frost

November 十一月 by Robert Frost We saw leaves go to glory, 我们看着秋叶日渐绚烂, Then almost migratory 然后,几乎像候鸟一般 Go part way down the lane, 沿着街巷...

2007-10-21 16:18:39

[美] J. D. McClatchy’s "Resignation"

本诗刊载于New Yorker(September 24, 2007). ____________________________________________________________ Resignation 甘受 by J. D. McClatchy J.D.麦克莱齐 Here the oak and silver-breasted birch...

2007-10-15 02:25:33

[美] Richard Kenney :《尾声》"Coda"

本诗刊载于2007年10月15日的《纽约客》杂志。 ———————————————————— Coda 尾声 by Richard Kenney I tried lacing loss into these lines, 试图要将失落缀入这些诗行, thinking ...

2007-10-08 13:09:34

"Gathering Leaves" by Robert Frost

Gathering Leaves 扫落叶 Spades take up leaves 这铲子铲树叶 No better than spoons, 不比汤勺顺手。 And bags full of leaves 一袋袋鼓鼓的, Are light as balloons. 轻得像是气球。 I make a gr...

2007-10-08 13:08:11


To Myself With goblet in hand, I’d been unaware Of the nightfall, nor the fallen petals That had filled the folds of my wear. Tipsy I arose to stroll under moonlight Along the creek, where bi...

2007-08-17 12:13:29

"A Village Life " by Louise Glück

A Village Life 乡间生活 by Louise Glück 露伊丝·葛丽克 刊载于最新一期《纽约客》(8/13/2007) The death and uncertainty that await me 等待我的死亡与未知 as they await all men, the shadows ...

2007-05-02 13:11:16

"For Once, Then, Something" by Robert Frost

For Once, Then, Something 只一次,便成永远 by Robert Frost Others taunt me with having knelt at well-curbs 别人都笑我老背着光 Always wrong to the light, so never seeing 跪在井边,所以总也看不...

2007-04-28 13:05:43

Robert Frost’s "The Birthplace"

The Birthplace 出生地 Here further up the mountain slope 从这里沿山坡一直往上, Than there was ever any hope, 在比希望还渺茫的地方, My father built, enclosed a spring, 父亲曾经凿过一口泉水,...

2007-03-16 12:12:16

辛弃疾 《摸鱼儿》

摸鱼儿 To the Tune of ”Fish Catching” 更能消几番风雨? How many more winds and rain will be there 匆匆春又归去。 Before the fleeting spring is gone? 惜春长怕花开早, Prem...

2007-03-13 19:37:05


江南好, 风景旧曾谙。 日出江花红胜火, 春来江水绿如蓝, 能不忆江南。 Beautiful are the southern sceneries! They imbue me with such fond memories. The sunrise kindles the river red ablaze; S...

2007-03-13 18:49:35


The Investment 投资 Over back where they speak of life as staying 回到那个管生活叫"过日子"的地方, (’You couldn’t call it living, for it ain’t’), ("这根本就谈不上什么生活") There was an old...

2007-02-26 16:05:03

"Wind" by James Fenton

Wind 风 This is the wind, the wind in a field of corn. 这就是风,在麦田里吹动的风。 Great crowds are fleeing from a major disaster 大难降至,众生纷纷夺命逃离 Down the green valleys, the lon...

2007-02-25 06:24:19

纳兰性德 《采桑子》

To the Tune of Mulberry Picking Who is playin’ that sad, old tune In this cold rain and wild wind? The only taper has burned weak Another night for lonely me. What is it that wears my h...

2007-02-21 15:56:59

王维《 终南别业》

终南别业 by 王维 Retreat at Zhongnan 终南别业 Retreat at Zhongnan 中岁颇好道 I took to the Way at a middle age, and 晚家南山陲 Dwelled on the hillside in my latter years. 兴来每独往 Whe...

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