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[技巧] 蝶式側面換氣 side breathing

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>> front breathing vs. side breathing <<


根據 Gary Hall 先生的說法,側邊呼吸  0:32  比正面換氣,可以讓體姿勢保持水平些。雖然時下精英游泳選手前呼大多採用正面換氣,側邊換氣可以是另一種選擇。

According to Mr. Gary Hall Sr. in this video, side breathing 0:32 appeared to keep body position flatter, more horizontal than front breathing.  Though the most of elite swimmers nowadays employ front breathing, side breathing might well be alternative option. 

This is the video teaching you how to breathe on side.


據說 Mel Stewart 與 Robert Margalis 兩位美國的選手都是採用側面換氣的。
And it's said that Mel Stewart and Robert Margalis are two great butterfly swimmers who use side breathing in fly.  


Side breathing as performed by Christine Magnuson

finished Apr 28, 2013

台長: frank
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