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2005-11-11 22:32:08


I have a great night tonight. Having a good meal. I like the dessert especially. Ever since I am in the USA, I fall in love with the dessert here, chocolate, cake, cookie, ice cream, candy... All of ...

2005-11-11 22:31:13

New friend

I am so happy that I have a new friend now. She is Sherry and she is kind and sweet. I like her. We had a wonderful meal in the restaurant, Chilly’s. I ate what my sister told me not to, steak. It is...

2005-11-11 22:30:00

Americans are better than Taiwanese!!

Today Kathy treated me to dinner! Sunday Serry wanted to split the tax in half while my meal was much more expensive because she said friends did not calculate into detail. See~~ Americans are just...

2005-11-11 22:28:30

Busy day meeting people

Magen agreed to meet me at 11:00 and Kathy at 3:15. Soothjim invited to hike in the national park. I am worried about my papers due next week. The bookreview is really frightening for I just started...

2005-10-24 04:12:00


昨天晚上大家到潘蜜拉家幫愛德華辦歡送會 好多人阿 他家好美阿 真是幸福ㄋㄟ 東西全是潘蜜拉一個人煮和準備的 最後我才知道原來大家要分攤費用ㄚ 我真是笨 然後呢 我跟艾德華終於有進展了 還跟他拍單獨合...

2005-10-21 10:42:21

Old man

AGE 年紀真的是問題嗎 我倒覺得成熟度責任感與真心才是關鍵 大我十幾歲的兩個老男人做出的事到現在還是讓我匪夷所思 吃人豆腐 沒自信 不敢表示卻又自以為被拒絕結果做出連學生都看不下去的事 但我佩服你...

2005-09-25 03:33:27


Oh, no~~~ I have put on some weight. I cannot believe it. I don’t want to look fat, but it is true. Compared with my old picture, my face is round and big now. Is it becasue of the hairstyle? How t...

2005-09-19 04:10:57


一個很奇怪的人 不知道該怎麼說他 一個台大畢業留學澳洲的年輕博士 很有毅力且很有禮貌及思想的留了一些話給我 然後很積極的與我聯絡 他的確是技術學院的老師沒錯 但他的行事風格真的太奇怪了 剛剛很無聊所以...

2005-09-14 11:25:39


又來了 可是我又不是故意想到的 我真的已經把自己給毀了 我發現他也已經變了 例如我跟他說支票不對 他什麼也沒說 不是像之前就是一句話說我們約時間我帶你去處理 自作孽不可活 就是這樣啦 跟我的聯想已經變...

2005-09-13 10:48:20


事實真相是什麼呢 其實他只是為了能去餐廳吃ㄧ頓飯吧 他的幫忙也是普遍男生的殷勤 根本沒什麼 你真是的耶 是不是太哈了ㄚ 這樣罵你是為你好 老是自以為是

2005-09-09 12:16:31


無法相信 我竟然會一直在想他 我是這樣容易心動的嗎 可是他都沒打電話給我 我記得瑪姬說就很自然的過下去然後你就會知道了 可是我覺得我一直在釋放他是沒可能的訊息 那又怎樣呢 如果他真的覺得你不錯又怎會放棄你...

2005-09-04 09:21:17


It seems that today I said something impropriate. I did not mean anything special. I hope he will not misunderstand. Besides, I think I am not so mature and need to think more before I contact people....

2005-08-26 12:47:34

shopping list

I need to have the following things from Taiwan:絲襪 糖果襪 米 好久沒聽歌 一聽又是滿心感傷 劉德華其實沒那麼帥也不喜歡他把女朋友藏起來的作風 但一看到他一聽他的歌就是會牽動我的心弦 歌詞也不重要 是他一...

2005-04-30 17:04:05

Feeling down

These two week I have been feeling down. I am trapped by some of my thoughts. I know I shouldn't keep those in mind but I just have difficulty changing them. What I should do is try my best to do thin...

2005-04-07 19:18:24

Getting close to new future

Within less than 100 days, I'll be living in another country. I am so excited about my new life. Though I can't help feeling worried sometimes, my friends' encouragement and a brand new start are just...

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