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2005-09-25 03:33:27| 人氣11| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Oh, no~~~
I have put on some weight. I cannot believe it. I don’t want to look fat, but it is true. Compared with my old picture, my face is round and big now. Is it becasue of the hairstyle? How to make myself look better?
Oh, ya~~~
Henryetteta(?) is here. I am so glad to see her, but she is on the way out. Will she come back? I hope so and I hope she sees me here. I don’t like to sit out there for the chair is not comfortable.
He is in New York. It seems that people here have friends or acquaitances to meet in USA. Only I am all alone by myself and don’t intend to go back to Taiwan often. After all, the chance to stay in USA is so rare. I don’t want to waste my time flying on the airplane and spending money on it. The money can bring me more to broaden my horizons by sending me all over USA to see and learn more about USA. That is what I intended to do but no plan so far. I hope I can come up with something when time is near. I think I should pray to God for arranging me something to learn outside school as well.
By the way, it is pretty important that I want to pray to God for taking me to the life HE wants me to. I hope I can have a good and suitable man to accompany me for my life. I need someone to be with me. May God bring me wisdom to deal with all the events in my life!! I really should stick to what is taught by God--be careful with the words from your mouth. I should be careful with those people. They are so different from what I am familiar with. Being with them, I should know better not to let them know too much about me. I don’t like the way they are.
To be frank with myself, he is a little different in my mind and when people are talking about him, I am not so at ease especially when Sunny is there. That’s what happened yesterday. I hope no one sensed anything wrong. After all, I was normal, I think. But, my dear God, I am still a outsider in the world here. Of course, those who have been here for so long have their ways getting along with each other, while I am a new comer. I should not care about this so much. Take care of your studies, Jocelyn, or your fate will be terrible. First of all, don’t frighten yourself.

台長: 飛翔的夢想
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