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2005-11-17 09:01:39| 人氣33| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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It rained sometimes today and when we finally had to leave, it rained so hard.

Everything got settled and we three had a great talk this afternoon. It is a wonderful afternoon.
I think I am much used to the life here. I am not that nervous any more. Teaching in the same school for too long really makes me changed a little bit, but now I feel much better. More relaxed and taking things better and better. I can find peace more easily.

"There is nothing serious other than life and death," by my classmate’s husband, who is a surgery.

Take it easy whatever it is. Life will find its own way. Pray to God! He is always with you. I can feel I am changing. Thanks God.

No one is better than others. Life cannot be compared. Hold on to your value and be thankful for what you have, then it is a meaningful life. --by K and S

What I have--
tender father, loving mother, capable sister, responsible brother-in-law, elegant brother, caring sister-in-law, super cute and lovely niece and nephew, angel-like meiling, a "school" of good students, many good friends, life consulor-bear, enough food, clothes, studying abroad, health, nice figure, intelligence, working experience, a job, been to many countries, being able to cook, eaten a lot of good food, beautiful hands, long and slim legs, friends from different countries, computer, typing fast, sincerity, kind and simple heart, elegancy, like to learn, brave to face my life, pray, being thankful, care about people, reflecting, being humble, good teachers, chasters, ..... most important of all--GOD

台長: 飛翔的夢想
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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