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2005-11-11 22:52:30| 人氣23| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

What a great day!!

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God, I do love you. You open up my world!!
Today I found so many interesting and exciting things to do afterwards. I really want to thank God for bringing me here, offering me all these as He scheduled. I do love to be a student. Being a student, life can be so colorful. I find what I have been interested in and have a fabulous great time. I can enjoy it becasue I am a student here. I am so lucky and happy. Thank you, God.
Having a delicious lunch with a good friend at a very good price. I was so full that I do not feel hungry after that enen now.
Meeting a new friend and practicing my English.
Swimming? Not exactly, but it was wonderful.
Dancing!! That’s it! What a fun time!!!

May God bless my mom, my family, and all those friends that love me and I love!!

Got a reply for my request! How nice they are to arrange things for me and, in fact, they appreciate my idea. From the mail, I learn something new about American culture, too. They like me. I am really happy today!!

What a wonderful world!!!

10月18日 下午 11:42

台長: 飛翔的夢想
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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