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2005-11-21 23:00:31


沒寫日記真的事會忘記自己做過什麼事 星期五熊熊發現我忘了一件當天的報告 看到老師的來信才趕快寫 可是又不知道寄給誰 問老師何寄給我的同學都不理我 問室友室友也不知道 後來問了法文小美女到了半夜終於得到...

2005-11-17 09:01:39


It rained sometimes today and when we finally had to leave, it rained so hard. Everything got settled and we three had a great talk this afternoon. It is a wonderful afternoon. I think I am much ...

2005-11-11 23:38:17


其實真正的感受是孤單 不是因為跟他說的原因 但我還是用了那個原因 因為我還是說不出口 他說的我都懂 但隔闔感來自作風的不同 我不知道原來面對感情是可以這樣積極的 不知道他是怎樣找到我的msn的 都半年...

2005-11-11 22:52:30

What a great day!!

God, I do love you. You open up my world!! Today I found so many interesting and exciting things to do afterwards. I really want to thank God for bringing me here, offering me all these as He schedul...

2005-11-11 22:51:13

Good morning

看到學生聚餐的相片 真是給她羨慕的要命喔 餐廳氣氛裝潢 食物 大家打成一片的融洽幸福 真好 在這裡還是吃到東方餐比較多 昨天玩到十一點不得已只好先回來 覺得很可惜 只是我也已經玩了整整十二小時了 也...

2005-11-11 22:49:52


今天比較特別的事情是和CL一起去吃飯 單獨與美國人用餐 這是第一次 美國人也愛吃東方菜耶 每次跟她們在一起都可以學到很多書上學不到的東西 而且她們很樂意教 感覺非常好 這也是我期待的 我在想以後可以約約那...

2005-11-11 22:47:25


今天鬼混了一整天 早起賴床接到邀約電話 出門看電影 好笑的是到了之後才發現電影院沒開 結果乾脆去大吃ㄧ頓 可惜的是今天的胃口變小了 東西很好吃真是可惜完全沒發揮實力 冰淇淋很好吃 然後呢請服務生幫忙查...

2005-11-11 22:44:46


cannot imagine how the weather can change so fast and so much. It is really cold outside. The other day, I was wearing shorts, but today I already put on my pink long coat, and I still feel cold when ...

2005-11-11 22:42:50


當了一輩子的六年級生一向都很引以為傲 因為總是同質人群裡最年輕的 也理所當然一直受到照顧 來到這裡原本想說沒了親朋好友催婚的壓力 可以好好放鬆一下 一向都不覺得我有這麼老 一直覺得我還在大學生涯的感覺...

2005-11-11 22:41:04

Study group!!!

Study group於今天正式成立 耶!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 真是太棒了!!!!!!!!! 我真的覺得上帝一直都在 而且我覺得是美齡老師為我禱告的 因為我常常偷懶 另一例是前幾天要交報告卻還沒寫完可是我真的是累的可以...

2005-11-11 22:39:00

Having fun

Today when I got up, I found that it was so cold in my room, uut it was warm right out of my room. How can this be?? What is great is Iris called me and broght me to make dumplings with everyone. It ...

2005-11-11 22:37:50


The clerk is a ghost with a pale white face!! Out teacher is a Gypsy girl. What a Halloween!! But I am too busy to enjoy the activities; I have been studying all day long. I met a boy who dance...

2005-11-11 22:36:05

New month

Time flies. Another month begins. One and a half month is left before I leave. How can time fly soon fast??!! Time to go for the appointment!! Do not be late again. Kathy showed me where she lives...

2005-11-11 22:34:44

Busy day

Yesterday I went visit an elementary school and found something quite different from ours. I like their classrooms. There are 40 teachers and 20 assistants for the 400 pupils there. Amazing!! It is im...

2005-11-11 22:32:58


Today Beverly came to teach me again. This time we were very efficient. It is a pity that I did not have the chance to have lunch with her. I intended to treat her to lunch and I was really hungry. In...

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