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2008-04-24 12:58:55


4/23/08 每個星期三晚上都是一個挑戰。整個禮拜重頭戲的課就再星期三傍晚結束,彷彿,一週也跟個畫下短暫的句點。然,輕飄在案頭的to-do list並沒有停止增長,該寫的研究報告、該印該念的文章與書本,慌慌張張,好...

2008-04-22 07:28:35

The old paradox

4/21/08 Paradox: A seemingly contradictory statement that may nonetheless be true--The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition Terry had a strong black coffee in the...

2008-04-17 02:20:44

I see Love_04162008

Dear, on my way to school this morning, I saw the light and bright blue behind the clouds. I saw a round bird calmly and elegantly and cheerfully eating blue-(or black-)berries. I saw the new-born gr...

2008-04-10 12:36:27


4/9/08 早晨六點多,穿越車行不止的高速公路(為自己的不孤單感恩),走在尚未清醒、充滿靜謐氛圍的校園(為眼前的安穩感恩),有一股適愜,彷彿整個宇宙都在對我低語。 修剪過長的瀏海,眼前一亮,感覺生活充滿陽...

2008-04-09 05:16:23

It’s Red Today

4/8/08 “Life is more than work.” She knew the fact, but did not know how to explore the undiscovered part of her life. For her, it was easier to be a work-alcoholic than to be a love-hunter. No, ...

2008-04-04 02:47:11


4/3/08 When your heart pounds violently, you cannot ignore it. When your eyes fall upon the person, your spirit immediately raises, you smile. When the person is gone, your heart plumbs into a de...

2008-04-03 11:01:34


4/2/08 I ended it. If the feeling was not right, if what I saw was more and more difference between us, if I chose to be alone than to spend the time with him, then what was left in the relationshi...

2008-04-02 02:09:55

The Whisper

2008-04-01 Leigh Nash, the vocal of Sixpence Non the Richer, is one of my favorite singers. Recently, I found some of her songs that I never knew before. They are very comforting and soothing my mo...

2008-03-29 04:36:04

The changing periphery and the unchangeable core

3/28/08 Some things change, some don’t. Age grows as time passes, but not my courage. Wrinkles increase, but not my height. After coming to the States, most of the time, I listen to English s...

2008-03-27 01:31:45


3/26/08 We had a softball game last night. I was supposed to pitch. However, the rule said that players could not wear jeans. So I was forced to drop out the game. Fortunately, a girl friend happen...

2008-03-23 16:01:02

A Turn

03232008 Life took a turn for her. She was happy and unhappy at the same time. It was a short turn. Better than nothing at all? She realized that it was actually pretty brutal and scary in confr...

2008-03-15 22:46:24

Belief or Love?

3/15/08 Friends are pretty confused about the situation of my family. There are six kids in mine, and we had not celebrated birthdays until quite late these years because we could not afford any. I...

2008-03-13 13:39:58

Dinner of scallop pasta

3/12/08 She had a dinner with him. He invited her over for dinner. “Is this a date?” She asked herself, but could not be sure. One way or another, she was nervous. To impress him, she put on tigh...

2008-03-10 03:28:37

The Closure of the Teddy Bear.

2008/3/9 Tess invited Teddy over for dinner. They went out once a long time ago. Though Tess made up some excuse, Teddy seemed to see her through. The dinner went well. After he left, she knew that...

2008-03-06 04:52:31

Running into you (Never happened)

3/5/08 Your absence is everlasting Flowers on the other side of the window are blossoming in the sunshine-bathing spreading the message of spring In my contemplation, I am wondering how dist...

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