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2009-01-03 13:45:04

Intuition II

Jan. 2, 2009Intuition is an interesting book to read, but not on the must-read list. It's nice to kill time with it. Readable scientific novels (or novels involved with science) are rare. The author's...

2009-01-03 09:51:04

Intuition I

Intuition by Allegra Goodman, 2006, NY: The Dial Press[Starting Date: Dec. 29, 2008]p9: “Outside the institute, the snow had stopped. The December sun was setting, and the world was strangely still.”...

2008-12-30 17:17:45


Dec. 30, 2008 也許是下午的咖啡延滯提神的作用,也許是下午的壁球活絡了血氣,也許是剛讀的小說令人入神,也許是重讀的小說過於振奮人心,總之,高舉狂歡大纛的腦神經不肯屈服於深夜。吞下兩片塗抹了半邊的花生醬的...

2008-12-29 10:13:34

Visiting My Home Church

Dec. 28, 2008 Philippians 3:13-14 “one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in...

2008-12-29 09:54:45

A tree planted by streams of water

Nov. 19, 2008 Psalm 1 Blessed is … like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers. I finally made it to the Wed....

2008-12-28 00:38:35

Persistently Knocking the Door

Dec. 27, 2008 I visited a fellowship meeting last night. Again, I was reminded what a good fellowship would do. We read Luke 11:1-13 and 18:1-8. The main point I took was to boldly and persistently p...

2008-12-25 12:06:20

With Blessings, Moving Forward.

Dec. 24, 2008She waited. This time, she waited for his hands reaching out to hers, catching hers. At the end, her hands were still hanging, alone.In the past, whenever her obsession with the exact d...

2008-12-18 07:08:52

Blood Donation

Dec. 17, 2008 “There are so many things that I cannot do. So, for what I can, I’ll do it without hesitance.”—Tao As we get aged, we come realize that there are many things we want to but cannot ...

2008-12-15 13:58:23

My obsession vs. God’s work

Dec. 14. 2008 If I am obsessed with anything, it gotta be definitions. For instance, in whichever relation I am involved, I am always eager to define it. “How close we are?” “Are we just friends o...

2008-12-13 12:14:04


Dec. 12, 2008 “It is in bad times we stop taking things for granted.”--Tao (yes, me :) I believe that whatever happened happened for the best. But I don’t quite understand why or when I have lost...

2008-12-09 12:25:05


12/8/2008 昨天教完中文課後,決定趁著天氣好的時候出門暖暖骨頭。 濃濃的秋意頂著橘色黃色紅色綠色葉子覆滿植在屋前屋後的樹,風揚起落葉發出窸窸窣窣的聲音,向晚的夕陽懶懶的倚著樹頂屋頂,白白的半邊月亮懸在天...

2008-12-07 13:08:46

Big Bend National Park Nov. 26-29 (Continued.)

The fourth morning at Big Bend, I woke up around five something to greet the sun, to store more shinny memory about mountains at Big Bend. I felt bad that noises I made awakened Adam. I stepped outsid...

2008-12-04 06:54:22

Big Bend National Park

Nov. 26-29 “The 800,000-acre national park contains three basic habitats: river, desert, and mountains. It encompasses the largest protected area of the Chihuahuan Desert in the United States. The R...

2008-11-25 13:51:03


Tao: When I first heard the song, I was very touched. Particular when she sang “May your heart break enough that compassion enters in … What you do unto others may it all be done to you …  May you...

2008-11-13 12:35:58


Nov. 12. 2008 晚上和系上的朋友去吃飯,聊了近況、工作、感恩節及寒假計畫,也分享對生活的感受。回家後,洗澡時忽然領悟到「陳年好酒」的道理。好酒需要時間醞釀,同樣的,友誼需要時間培養與考驗。 想起孫燕姿與...

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