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2004-01-09 16:26:00| 人氣14| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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呢個禮拜係完完全全咁冇出街架,唔知點解,真係冇出街嗰種念頭,所以日日都喺屋企發“毛”。呀……早幾日寫了封 “letter of thanks” 俾 Robertsons,因為 SDS 要我 send 番封信去多謝人地頒個獎俾我,都啱的,就等我“打蛇隨棍上”,問埋佢會唔會請人先……hehe

Sunday — 媽咪喺幫 dicky 仔洗身的時候,一下唔小心跌倒,結果左膝腫到成隻雞蛋咁,行路拐吓拐吓咁,希望佢快 d 好番啦。下午同 Uncle Peter Kwok食 lunch,都有成年冇見啦,我去食飯個目的都係想見吓你個仔仔咋,好得意呀!!之但係呀家姐呢……同小朋友玩真係要好有心機、好有耐性先得!

Monday — 一早個 friend 打電話來,咁就傾了幾個鐘啦,哈哈,大家真係夾到飛起,都係咩都冇做過,哈!而大家喺餘下呢個禮拜都係諗住 hea 埋佢,哈哈!有你的“支持”,真好!

Tuesday — send email 俾 zaf 話想拎封 reference 信,點知佢答我話 “try to locate the transcript”,真係搞笑,幾個月前搵你寫,叫我一個禮拜後去搵你。搵你的時候,你問番我轉頭知唔知你放了我張 transcript 去邊,到家下你又話唔知去了邊,真係搞笑!!唔知封 reference letter幾時先到我手呢??

Thursday — 亞婆感冒了幾日,但佢又冇同我們講,結果搞到發燒、頭暈、嘔,入了醫院,希望佢快 d 出院啦。

Friday — 等到今日都仲係睇唔到上學期個成績,真係激死人呀!唔通佢真係會將個成績放入我個 pigeon hole 度??咁咪要星期一返學先知?真係等到我好鬼心急呀!但如果 pigeon hole 都唔見有,咁究竟今年會用咩方法通知我 sem A 個成績呢??

不過尋日就睇到頭兩個 weeks 個 schedule 啦,都係咁啦……唉……今個 sem 又要交 $500 photocopying fee,都冇解的,讀了三年都唔駛交呢 d 費用,點解 pcll 要交呢?點解淨係 UGC funded先要交呢?唔通係因為我們個學費比 non-UGC funded 便成半??

今晚細佬返來,其實都係幾個禮拜冇見,但唔知點解好想見到佢,好想佢快 d 返……真係唔知點解。

另外,唔通我真係唔夠忍耐?每個人都總有佢的 bottom line,please......拜託大家唔好嘗試挑戰我個 bottom line,好嗎?係咪真係要我發脾氣,先知道我係介意、我係唔開心呢?是但啦……人地鍾意點咪由得佢囉,既然我控制唔到,算啦……please, just leave me alone, I'll be fine soon. My Lord, please rescue me!!! Make me be more patient......

1. Make me a channel of Your peace, where there is hatred let me bring Your love; Where there is injury, Your pardon, Lord; and where there's doubt, true faith in You.

2. Make me a channel of Your peace, where there's despair in life let me bring hope; where there is darkness, only light; and where there's sadness, ever joy;

3. Make me a channel of Your peace, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, in giving to all men that we receive; and in dying that we're born to eternal life.

REFRAIN: O Master, grant that I may never seek so much to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved, as to love with all my soul.

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