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Nanotechnology 奈米科技

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Beyond Your Wildest Dreams 超越你最瘋狂的夢想

Nanotechnology is the science of moving 1)individual 2)atoms around and putting them 3)precisely where we want. Since everything is 4)composed of atoms, by doing this we can, in 5)theory, 6)construct anything we want. For example, by moving around the atoms in a piece of coal, we could create a diamond.


‧ 本段單字

1) individual (a.) 個別的,一個個的
2) atom (n.) 原子
3) precisely (adv.) 精確地
4) be composed of (phr.) 由……組成、構成
5) theory (n.) 理論
6) construct (v.) 建造

1)Currently, nanotechnology is still quite 2)crude. Scientists can 3)alter the 4)properties of things like 5)plastics or cloth to make them harder or softer or more 6)durable, but they can't build something new from a collection of atoms. Why? Well, because things are made up of 7)billions of atoms and it takes too long to move them around.


‧ 本段單字

1) currently (adv.) 目前,現在
2) crude (a.) 粗糙的,未成熟的
3) alter (v.) 改變
4) property (n.) 特性,屬性
5) plastic (n.) 塑膠
6) durable (a.) 耐久的
7) billion (n.) 十億

So, the next big step in nanotechnology will be building machines that can do this 1)automatically. Once we have these we should be able to make almost anything with no waste and no pollution, at very little cost. Scientists think that the first "2)Universal 3)Assembler" might be built in around 15 years.


‧ 本段單字

1) automatically (adv.) 自動地
2) universal (a.) 普遍性的
3) assembler (n.) 裝配器

Certain to come sooner than that are other equally amazing things. Imagine 1)microscopic robots swimming through your 2)bloodstream destroying any 3)invaders that weren't part of your DNA. That would mean the end of the common cold and other 4)viruses. Think about having bones that had been strengthened so that you could jump off a twenty-story building and then walk away unhurt.


‧ 本段單字

1) microscopic (a.) 微小的
2) bloodstream (n.) 血流
3) invader (n.) 入侵者,侵略者
4) virus (n.) 病毒

In the near future, as a direct result of nanotechnology, the question "Who wants to live forever?" might stop being a rhetorical one.


台長: 靜惠
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全站分類: 藝術設計(手創、設計、室內空間、裝潢)

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