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2004-08-03 13:18:45| 人氣210| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Generation-Gap Relationships 代溝戀情

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Older women find younger men 年長女性尋找年輕男性
Next time you see an older woman and a younger man together, don't 1)assume she's his mom. In fact, she could very well be his older lover, girlfriend or even wife. According to a recent 2)survey by AARP magazine, 34% of single women aged 40 to 69 are now dating younger men. Take a look at the stars for some examples. Demi Moore is dating 23-year-old Ashton Kutcher and Susan Sarandon has been with her younger husband Tim Robbins for years.


‧ 單字

assume (v.) 假設
I assumed you were hungry so I prepared some food.

survey (n.) 調查
Those people are taking a survey on how many students come to school without eating breakfast.
We're more used to seeing gray-haired older men with younger women. Just think of Woody Allen with Soon-Yi (62 and 27 when they got married) or Michael Douglas with Catherine Zeta-Jones. The reverse has been like a 3)taboo, or a joke. Actresses often quietly retire early while actors go on 4)romancing younger women into their later years. But it seems that things are finally changing. Women these days are less 5)likely to accept society's 6)norms than they used to be.


‧ 單字

taboo (n.) 禁忌
Talking about dead people is a taboo in this country.

romance (v.) 戀愛
John has been romancing a very pretty woman for the last week.

likely (a.) 有可能的
It's very likely that Sandy will get a raise.

norm (n.) 規範,標準
Waiting for a green light to cross the road is a norm in this society.
There are many reasons why an older woman might prefer a younger 7)mate. Of these, the top three might be his energy, 8)optimism, and sexual 9)vigor. Women these days also have reached a higher level of 10)economic independence than ever before, and are therefore in a position to challenge old traditions. Many are no longer 11)content just sitting on the 12)couch to watch TV with their old husbands. They've got other plans for the couch, and don't want their husbands to have to go running for the Viagra when it's time to get busy.


‧ 單字

mate (n.) 伴侶
This kind of bird never goes anywhere without its mate.

optimism (n.) 樂觀主義
He showed his optimism when he said the losing team could still win.

vigor (n.) 精力
Older people often don't have enough vigor to play sports.

economic (a.) 經濟的
Countries these days have many economic ties to one another.

content (a.) 滿足的
The children were quitecontent after their teacher gave them candy.

couch (n.) 長沙發
I lost some coins in the couch.
Older women also have a lot to offer younger men. They often know what they want for themselves and are more honest about it. With their 13)extensive experience, older women seldom have the 14)unrealistic 15)expectations of younger women about life and marriage. And if you think of a relationship as a kind of business, older women make much better 16)advisers in 17)financial affairs.


‧ 單字

extensive (a.) 廣泛的,多方面的
Our guide has extensive knowledge of these parts.

unrealistic (a.) 不切實際的
It's unrealistic to think you can become rich so quickly.

expectation (n.) 期望
Girlfriends often have many expectations of their boyfriends.

adviser (n.) 顧問
The boss of the company hired an environmental adviser.

financial (a.) 財務的
I am really bad with numbers and financial matters.
Children are probably the biggest 18)hindrance to generation-gap relationships. Younger men who marry a 50-year-old woman pretty much have no chance of a child. Even if the woman is young enough to have children, she may have given birth to children in a 19)previous marriage and wouldn't want to do it again.


‧ 中級單字

hindrance (n.) 阻礙
Working on the weekends is a real hindrance to having fun.

previous (a.) 先前的
Jane's previous two boyfriends were both from Italy.
Besides all the 20)obvious reasons, some older women just want to have fun. After all, fair is fair. Older women have been 21)shoved aside for younger women for years. It's about time they do some shoving of their own.


‧ 中級單字

obvious (a.) 明顯的
It's obvious that nobody likes to lose money.

shove (v.) 推,擠
I hate it when people shove me while I'm waiting in line.

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