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2004-08-05 09:50:17| 人氣199| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Trendy Surgery 時髦的手術

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China's new face 中國的新面貌
‧ 單字

trendy (a.) 時髦的
Jason loves fashion so he always buys the trendiest new clothes.

surgery (n.) 手術
My mom had to get surgery on her back after she hurt it.
Lulu Hao of Beijing is not a 3)traditional Chinese woman. After having surgery to change her nose, eyes, breasts, and a dozen other things, she's now known as China's first “4)manmade beauty.” Her name is now a new 5)term used in China to 6)describe any of the increasing numbers of women who 7)undergo 8)extensive 1cosmetic surgery.


‧ 單字

traditional (a.) 傳統的
I would like a traditional wedding when I grow up.

manmade (a.) 人造的
Manmade material is not so comfortable to wear as natural material.

term (n.) 術語,用語
We learned some computer terms in today's class.

describe (v.) 描述
The doctor asked me to describe how I feel.

undergo (v.) 經歷
Taiwan will undergo some major changes in the coming year.

extensive (a.) 大規模的
I've done extensive research on Africa's history.

Hao is just one of thousands of 9)urban Chinese women rushing out to 10)surgically 11)alter their bodies. It's a 12)trend that, judging from Chinese media reports, has risen sharply in recent years. What's most surprising about Hao's case is that she 13)reportedly spent only 20 minutes 14)deliberating her decision to go under the knife.


‧ 單字

urban (a.) 都市的
My sister studies urban planning(都市計畫).

surgically (adv.) 以手術方式
My face has been surgically changed.

alter (v.) 改變
I don't think you should alter anything about your appearance.

trend (n.) 潮流,趨勢
I try not to dress according to trends.

reportedly (adv.) 據說,據報導
Bill Gates is reportedly worth forty billion dollars.

deliberate (v.) 深思熟慮,衡量
We are still deliberating about who we want to hire.

When she first told her parents about her decision, they were 15)shocked but didn't say no. “My mother opened her eyes very wide, and my father didn't say a word,” she said in an interview with the website Qian Long. 16)Eventually her mother supported her decision. She even 17)accompanied Lulu on her many visits to the hospital.


‧ 單字

shock (v.) 震驚
The shooting of President Chen shocked the nation.

eventually (adv.) 到最後
Eventually, I hope to have three kids and a dog.

accompany (v.) 陪伴,陪同
Would you like to accompany me to a show tonight?

Some in China are worried that women like Hao are taking cosmetic surgery too lightly, without any 18)consideration for the risks involved. In Hao's mind, the 19)risks are apparently worth it. “A woman has three things she must do in life: eat well, have fun and be beautiful. Now I don't lack any of these,” she said.


‧ 單字

consideration (n.) 考慮
Please take my wishes into consideration.

risk (n.) 風險
The risk of war is very great.

台長: 靜惠
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