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2004-09-16 09:50:44

Aggravation 反感

    This is such a drag. 這很令人討厭。 I'm bored out of my mind. 我無聊死了。 Whoopie. 這下可好了。 We've heard that joke a million times already. 這笑話我們已經聽過好幾百次了。 F...

2004-09-09 11:38:40


    1.哪裡有問題? 為了揭穿假碧玉的真面目,玉珊跑去找正賢商量,但沒想到正賢卻讓她在辦公室外從下午一點枯等到六點。等了五個小時的玉珊忍不住說: I've been here since five hours ago. 不過玉珊這個...

2004-08-09 10:15:41

Exercise While You Work 邊工作邊運動

    North American bike 1)messengers北美自行車快遞     1) messenger (n.) 信差 There's a messenger here with a package for you. 1. In North American cities such as San Francisco, New York...

2004-08-05 09:50:17

Trendy Surgery 時髦的手術

    China's new face 中國的新面貌     ‧ 單字 trendy (a.) 時髦的 Jason loves fashion so he always buys the trendiest new clothes. surgery (n.) 手術 My mom had to get surgery on her...

2004-08-04 09:29:30

Apple's Little Machine Makes a Big Splash 小蘋果掀起大波瀾

    ◎iPod does wonders for music fans and for Apple's profits iPod 為音樂迷與蘋果利潤創造奇蹟     1. Profits at the Apple 1)Corporation 2)are likely to 3)increase with the 4)introduction ...

2004-08-03 13:18:45

Generation-Gap Relationships 代溝戀情

    Older women find younger men 年長女性尋找年輕男性     1. Next time you see an older woman and a younger man together, don't 1)assume she's his mom. In fact, she could very well be his o...

2004-08-02 09:54:21

Martha Stewart 瑪莎史都華

    A look behind the name 盛名背後     1. Martha Stewart. You may have heard the name in the news recently. She's the 1)author of several books, she has hosted radio and TV programs, and m...

2004-07-30 09:49:23

Japan's New Student Travel 日本新式學生旅遊

    Experiencing the world, not just studying it 不只研究世界,還要體驗世界     1. Japan's students are trying a new kind of travel. Instead of sitting on buses all day only to fall asleep ...

2004-07-29 09:49:39


    Think about the last time you ate a meal in a Western restaurant. Did you understand the menu? Or did you just order food that was familiar to you? If you find yourself struggling to understan...

2004-07-28 09:57:32

No Spam by 2006? 二00六年前終結垃圾郵件?

    ◎Finally, no more porn ads色情廣告終於不再來     1. Someday soon, we might not have to be 1)embarrassed when we open our inboxes. Today, the 2)majority of 3)emails are 4)unwanted advert...

2004-07-27 10:17:17

Soda-free Schools 學校禁喝汽水

    ◎A prescription to cut down on sugar 減少攝取糖份處方     1. Earlier this month, the American 1)Academy of Pediatrics, a group of doctors that focus on children, 2)announced a plan to ...

2004-07-23 09:45:50

A Global School Problem 全球就學問題

    About 65 million girls are not able to go to school, a new report shows 一項新報導指出,約有六千五百萬名女孩無法進入學校就讀     1. Going to school each day may not seem like 1)a big de...

2004-07-22 09:58:36

The world's biggest passenger ship sets sail

    The world's biggest passenger ship sets sail世上最大客船出航     ◎The Queen Mary 2瑪莉皇后二號     1. Big! Big! Big! The Queen Mary 2 looks more like a 1)floating building than a s...

2004-07-21 10:01:10

A Golden Discovery 黃金大發現

    ◎Riches found on the ocean floor 海底找到的財富     1. After 12 years of searching for buried 1)treasure, sea 2)explorers finally 3)struck gold on November 6. The team of 4)marine 5)arc...

2004-07-20 10:01:50

Too Many Koalas! 無尾熊泛濫!

    Attack of the cute creatures 可愛動物大進擊     1. Kangaroo Island in Australia has a cute little problem. In fact, the problem is that there are too many cute little animals running ar...

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