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2004-08-04 09:29:30| 人氣192| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Apple's Little Machine Makes a Big Splash 小蘋果掀起大波瀾

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◎iPod does wonders for music fans and for Apple's profits iPod 為音樂迷與蘋果利潤創造奇蹟
Profits at the Apple 1)Corporation 2)are likely to 3)increase with the
4)introduction of the iPod. Apple has already sold over 2 million iPods and over 30 million 5)downloaded songs at its iTunes Music Store. Such 6)performance is a great 7)comeback for Apple, which makes only about 3% of the computers on the market.


1) corporation (n.) 股份有限公司,法人
2) be likely to (phr.) 很可能會……
3) increase (v.) 增加
4) introduction (n.) 引進,推出
5) download (v.) 下載
6) performance (n.) 表現
Apple's iPod is the newest 1)move in 2)combating music 3)piracy, and it seems that the move is working. Since the mid-90s, record company 4)officials have been looking for ways to 5)fight off music sharing companies like Napster. So far, they have 6)relied mainly on 7)lawsuits, closing down companies, and sending old ladies to 8)jail. Needless to say, their 9)inability to 10)come up with a good alternative made them look pretty bad.


1) move (n.) 行動,舉動
2) combat (v.) 對抗
3) piracy (n.) 盜版行為,海盜行為
4) official (n.) 官員
5) fight off (v.) 逐退
6) rely on (v.) 依賴
7) lawsuit (n.) 法律訴訟
8) jail (n.) 監獄
9) inability (n.) 缺乏能力
10) come up with (v.) 想出,提出
11) alternative (n.) 另一個辦法
Napster (n.) 原本是讓使用者提供共享音樂免費下載的網站,與唱片公司訴訟敗訴後,2002年五月被迫關閉,現已被Digital Media Company併購,和唱片公司合作販售線上音樂下載
That's where the iPod 1)comes in. Because it 2)adopts the newest in music downloading 3)technology and is easy and cheap to use, Apple officials hope it will turn yesterday's music 4)pirates into tomorrow's music buyers. 5)Consumers also find Apple's iTunes songs 6)convenient to use, because they can be easily made into MP3s.


1) come in (v.) 加入角逐,發揮作用
2) adopt (v.) 採用
3) technology (n.) 科技
4) pirate (n.) 盜版侵權者,海盜
5) consumer (n.) 消費者
6) convenient (a.) 方便的,便利的
MP3 (n.) 是MPEG-1/2 Audio Layer 3的簡稱,一種用電腦播放並儲存音樂的格式
Because of the 1)popularity of the iPod, Apple has become the market leader in digital music players. The iPod is one of the most successful consumer 2)electronic 3)devices on the market and by far the most popular MP3 player. This small machine looks likely to 4)propel Apple's 5)market shares for a while to come.


1) popularity (n.) 熱門的程度,流行性
2) electronic (a.) 電子的
3) device (n.) 裝置,設備
4) propel (v.) 推動
5) market share (n.) 市場佔有率

台長: 靜惠
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