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2004-08-02 09:54:21| 人氣182| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Martha Stewart 瑪莎史都華

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A look behind the name 盛名背後
Martha Stewart. You may have heard the name in the news recently. She's the 1)author of several books, she has hosted radio and TV programs, and most recently, she's been in trouble for 2)illegally 3)trading 4)stock. But just who is this 5)goddess of 6)homemaking? How did she become so successful?


‧ 中級單字

1) author (n.) 作者,作家
2) illegally (adv.) 非法地
3) trade (v.) 交易
4) stock (n.) 股票
5) goddess (n.) 女神
6) homemaking (n.) 家政

1)Ironically, Martha's first job was as a 2)stockbroker. She was one of the first women stockbrokers on Wall Street. But she soon 3)switched 4)careers and had success running a 5)catering company. Martha found she had a 6)talent for finding nice, 7)neat, and easy ways to do things around the house. This was the real start of her career.


‧ 中級單字

1) ironically (adv.) 諷刺地,反諷地
2) stockbroker (n.) 股票營業員
3) switch (v.) 轉換,調換
4) career (n.) 事業,生涯
5) catering (n.) 外燴
6) talent (n.) 才華,才幹
7) neat (a.) 整潔的,很棒的

In 1982 she wrote a book called 1)Entertaining. It was a very successful book that gave housewives lots of helpful advice. “She took women's work seriously,” said writer Naomi Wolf. “She took seriously the traditions of caring about the home, making beautiful things. And she found a huge market of people who cared.”


‧ 中級單字

1) entertain (v.) 款待,娛樂(賓客)

And this huge market made Martha a very rich woman. In 1999 she started a company, Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia. The company brought together her products, TV programs, and magazine under one name. The problem is, when she illegally sold her stock (based on insider information given by a friend), both her name and her 1)reputation were damaged.


‧ 中級單字

1) reputation (n.) 名譽

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