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2004-07-30 09:49:23| 人氣225| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Japan's New Student Travel 日本新式學生旅遊

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Experiencing the world, not just studying it
Japan's students are trying a new kind of travel. Instead of sitting on buses all day only to fall asleep in a 1)museum, students are going to small villages, 2)exploring the great 3)outdoors, and even leaving the country.


‧ 中級單字

1) museum (n.) 博物館
2) explore (v.) 探索,探險
3) outdoors (n.) 戶外
“Experiential education,” long available in North America, is becoming more and more popular in the land of the rising sun. Just look at JTB, Japan's biggest 1)travel agency. They've 2)teamed up with Benesse, the country's largest educational services company, to offer more than 300 different trips aimed at students and schools. More than 25 schools have 3)signed on since 2001.


‧ 中級單字

1) travel agency (n.) 旅行社
2) team up with (phr.) 與……搭檔
3) sign on (v.) 簽約加入
And where is everyone going? Fishing villages in Kyushu. Japanese communities in Hawaii. 1)Farming villages in China. English classes in England. Most 2)touching, perhaps, are the aid programs for 3)disabled people. Many cities in Japan aren't designed with the disabled in mind. Students get to see life through the eyes of the disabled as they help these people get around in 4)wheelchairs. It's an experience most students will never forget.


‧ 中級單字

1) farming (n.) 農業
2) touching (a.) 感人的
3) disabled (a.) 失能的
4) wheelchair (n.) 輪椅
The trips within Japan also help 1)boost the local 2)economy. Fishing and farming villages have a hard time in modern Japan, and they can use all the tourism they get. Groups of students coming every year might make a big difference.


‧ 中級單字

1) boost (v.) 推進,提昇
2) economy (n.) 經濟

台長: 靜惠
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全站分類: 藝術設計(手創、設計、室內空間、裝潢)

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