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2003-06-30 12:49:19

How to Develop your Writing Skills

英文寫作技巧 Ask any professional writer, and he or she will tell you the same thing: Writing is hard work. If writing is such a chore in one's first language, how much more so in a second langu...

2003-06-27 09:28:56

Religion 美國宗教

English writer G.K. Chesterton once noted that "America is a nation with the soul of a church." Religion--and Christianity in particular--has indeed shaped the social and political structures of the U...

2003-06-26 13:07:30

Steve Irwin 史帝夫厄文

Mr. 1)Crocodile 鱷魚先生 ‧ 副標題單字 1) crocodile (n.) 鱷魚 1. Would you dare to catch a ten-foot-long crocodile? Could you catch one with your 1)bare hands? An Australian man named St...

2003-06-25 13:04:36

Aromatherapy 芳香療法

1)Healing the 2)fragrant way 芬芳的治療方法 ‧ 副標題單字 1) heal (v.) 治療 2) fragrant (a.) 芳香的 1. 1)Imagine yourself home from a long day at work. The first thing you do is 2)heat ...

2003-06-24 12:58:17

美國人的生活及語言 — 北部

American Life & Language - the North 美國人的生活及語言 — 北部 When Richard Springer visited Boston for the first time last summer, he had a craving for a chocolate milkshake. The Orange Coun...

2003-06-17 09:53:39

美國人的生活及語言 — 西部

American Life & Language - The West 美國人的生活及語言 — 西部 Mention America's West to Sarah Ann McIntosh, and her face lights up like a jack-o-lantern. She becomes animated when talking about...

2003-06-06 13:41:35

Genetic Engineering

Genetic Engineering 基因工程 ‧ 標題單字 genetic (a.) 遺傳(學)的,基因的 engineering (n.) 工程(學) Darwin's 1)Dreamland 達爾文的理想國 ‧ 副標題單字 1) dreamland (n.) 夢鄉,夢境...

2003-06-03 09:27:32

Heavenly Views 天上美景

1)Heavenly 2)Views 天上美景 ‧ 標題單字 1) heavenly (a.) 天空的,天堂般的 2) view (n.) 景觀 That's what scientists expect to see after 1)astronauts 2)upgrade the Hubble 3)telescope 這是...

2003-05-30 19:16:33

FIFA World Cup 足總會世界盃

Where the world's top players get their 1)kicks 世界頂尖球員在此踢個過癮 ‧ 副標題單字 1) kick (n.) 踢,亦為刺激、快感,在此是雙關語 1. It's just about two weeks to 1)kickoff at this year...

2003-05-29 17:36:04

Ice Age 冰原歷險記

Chill out with the sub-zero heroes 與零下英雄們共同涼快一下 ‧ 副標題單字 sub-zero (a.) 零度以下的 1. In 1995 Toy Story, the first-ever completely 1)computer-animated film, was 2)released...

2003-05-28 13:45:29

< 般若波羅蜜多心經 >

觀自在菩薩  行深般若波羅蜜多時  照見五蘊皆空  度一切苦厄  舍利子  色不異空  空不異色  色即是空  空即是色  受想行識  亦復如是  舍利子  是諸法空相  不生不滅  不垢不淨  不增...

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