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2007-07-10 14:01:19| 人氣89| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Guess When (3)?

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How can weather all of a sudden go from warm & fuzzy to cold and gloomy?

Guess again!

p.s. cute butt there girl, way to go!

The correct answer is Pender Harbour. You fell asleep on our way back
to the ferry, and it was raining pretty hard, no wonder you don’t remember
much of it! Look at those sleepy and tiring eyes

But, after seeing dinner menu for the night, you quickly brightened up.

台長: GQ
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Wow this is a hard one. I remember this place! but i`m not sure the exact name of the place, being either whidbey island or ORCA island. That hot hot summer we went
there by ferries and coming back to seattle by driving up
to a national park and back via anacortes. I remember what I wore but don`t remember it raining....@_@ maybe slightly. when I was there you took this picture of my back and you were obsessed with my BUTT. I was wearing my black artizia hoody and grey pants, you thought my butt was really hot, so you mentioned several times. and I was in my pony tail.

hope i`m right.
2007-07-10 21:35:08
Nah, I remember the place, I`ve been here. But i couldn`t remember the full context of where and what we did.
2007-07-11 13:57:16
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