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2007-09-03 07:06:42| 人氣219| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Guess When (4)?

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分手後的男女朋友, 還能以 "特別朋友" 的身分一同出去旅遊嗎?

如果可以, 讓我知道...

台長: GQ
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of cuz, I was thinking about it last saturday,
our frequency is pretty amazing.... geez.
Harrison Hot Spring Hotel doing spa and massage right
after the College pro retreat sleeping on your van.
what a luxurious trip, so pampering.

by the way, my lil aunt passed away this morning.
she`s been fighting hard with the cancer,
but still...
i think it is better for her to be disease-free now.
god bless her.

take care of your body
2007-09-03 22:13:41
wow, you really do remember about our trips well. When I saw this picture, I knew we were at Harrison Hot Spring enjoying spa, but I didn`t imagine you would remember it being a post-CPP event too! good for u!

ya...lately i`ve also been having thoughts to travel w/ you...those trips really tied us well. They also allowed us to have something to look forward to, and let us relax. I think any relationship ought to have that....

so when is ur next available week off...?
2007-09-04 15:43:25
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