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2010-10-25 15:50:51| 人氣185| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Jason & Patty 的婚禮

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昨天晚上去參加 Jason & Patty 的婚禮

在 QE Park 的 Seasons 裡舉辦. 蠻不錯的

人不算太多, 不過感覺還不錯, 挺溫馨的.

裡面最感人的就是 best-man 的致詞. 算長, 可是很風趣. 因為 Jason & Patty 交往了七年, 而且有很多共同的朋友, 也算是一起長大, 一起玩, 所以有很多故事可以講. 談論他們讀書時代的趣事, 他們兩個戀愛所表現給別人看到的一面, 給對方的小名, 等等.

不禁讓我有一個很深的感觸...如果我們沒有分手這四年, 該有多好

我們會有更多的 memory to be built, 更多的趣事, 更多的愛情..

更多愛情能帶給我更多的責任, 給我有向上爬的動力, 給我 inspiration, 不讓我 dicking around..

我現在就是 dicking around. 辭去工作已經四個月了, 雖然這之中幫媽賣了房子, 搞定了 Vegas 買房子的事宜, 也 (快) 解決了一個麻煩的房客. 上個禮拜忙到沒有時間喘氣, 這個禮拜還沒開始, 我卻有很多偷懶的感覺.

不知道為什麼, 懶得先看上海的工作, 懶得與住在上海的朋友連絡, 明明只剩一個月就要去了, 為什麼會這樣...

好想跟妳講話, 好想聽聽妳的聲音, 好想從妳那裡得到一些 energy, 或者是一些工作上的鼓舞

看到 Jason 很清楚自己的方向, 他說兩年過後他也會去中國, 他很有未來性, 我很期待與他看往未來, 可是我更想 be motivated, somehow...

I don’t know why I’m a little negative right now. I had a really good last week, got so much done. I guess it’s from my tenant - we scheduled to meet tonight where he’ll give me the key, and now he’s not answering my calls, I can only guess he’s planning to stay there a little longer.

It’s gotten me quite upset, and made me feel very useless. Perhaps this is where I got my negative energy from. It’s so much pain to deal w/ this guy. What the hell...

Anyway, there’s still something positive that I can mention - at the wedding, Patty’s father stood up and introduced himself, guess what, he’s a commercial real estate developer in Shanghai.

Claiming that he was the CEO that oversaw the operation of the shopping mall in Taipei 101, his company develops malls in all over China.

Hearing a possibility to make a connection, I went and introduced myself to him during a break. Lol Jason voluntarily wanted to connect us together, what a great guy!

So we chatted briefly, I asked him about his opinion on going to Shanghai. He said he would forward his info for me. I look forward to talking to him and learning from him. Perhaps, even work for him, and have him as my mentor in China. I know he and I can speak the same language, he’s in commercial real estate, and so am I.

So that’s something positive that happened over the weekend. gosh i hope that tenant leaves tmr....it bothers me so much to deal w/ him.

每次很 weak 的時候, 都會想到妳. 昨天的婚禮想到很多和妳在一起的美好, 今天很想被妳拉一把.


台長: GQ
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