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愛的王國 文章數:56
Unconditional love has been hounourly mentioned here and there, yesterday and future in the air by people. But... (詳全文)
發表時間:2014-01-18 23:59:57 | 回應:1
Early this week, my line manager K had encountered his emotional breaking point with his partner because of th... (詳全文)
發表時間:2013-12-21 23:20:43 | 回應:0
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發表時間:2013-09-23 04:33:09 | 回應:0
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發表時間:2013-09-22 22:23:28 | 回應:0
Men believe in the qualities those that i explicitly entail; they know i am who i am and they like who i am.Bu... (詳全文)
發表時間:2013-08-16 02:19:04 | 回應:0
Since April Piotr and I grew closer, there has been a series of training to myself; maybe provided by his inte... (詳全文)
發表時間:2013-06-30 03:06:11 | 回應:0
Erica Rosario - alice in wanderland.jpga book of ever extending pagesSince April two years ago, Piotr and I de... (詳全文)
發表時間:2013-05-26 04:19:42 | 回應:0
After long few weeks of holding breath, panickingintrinsically, Piotr received his verdict from the school dis... (詳全文)
發表時間:2013-04-23 01:26:24 | 回應:0
Just went to see Danny Boyle's Trance (2013) last night, as my first excursion in these few ill weeks. The plo... (詳全文)
發表時間:2013-04-14 20:34:13 | 回應:0
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發表時間:2013-03-17 08:46:59 | 回應:0
I might have not mentioned earlier that Piotr's study is facing judgement at the moment. The first year of his... (詳全文)
發表時間:2013-03-04 21:30:42 | 回應:0
Coca-Cola spotted his work.jpgA day before the Valentine's Day, Piotr received an unthinkable bomb dropping fr... (詳全文)
發表時間:2013-02-16 00:25:26 | 回應:0
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發表時間:2013-01-23 03:32:47 | 回應:0
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發表時間:2013-01-20 09:10:27 | 回應:0
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發表時間:2013-01-18 03:22:09 | 回應:0
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