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2014-12-13 22:38:55

New Age - Coupling Friends

I wonder since when but today I realised one scenario of this momentary stage of my life where all my close friends are coupled. Either happily in marriage or stably in love, not only are they inspiri...

2014-11-12 16:34:46

Review & Reflect [Gone Girl]

Gone GirlI went to cinema for Gone Girl 2 times. Last time I did this obsessive excitement was for The Life of Pi (apparently. It's primary for the love of Taiwan and the director). This time with Gon...

2014-07-14 19:40:07

a Doctor now

On 7/7/2014, this is the unique date of my life - bigger than my future wedding day, because this day belongs to me, and my family, no one else.There are many events, many people and many experiences ...

2014-07-14 19:02:25

another milestone

My PhD route had been a long journey, and the last miles on the PhD trademark almost took away the shine of the doctor degree. My contentiousness only awoke literally on the very morning of my graduat...

2014-06-15 23:41:42

2/march/2014: I love My Life -

I love my life. Please stop judging me from your narrowed mind.Since starting my work, I have fallen into a style of life where the regular routine cycles everyday. However, I don't see this busy life...

2014-06-15 23:35:49

Complicated condition makes Simple in Life

I noticed myself addicting to purchasing the same products, ordering the same dishes, over and over again. However, I refused to agree to be branded as boring, unadventurous manner, as there are reaso...

2014-06-08 18:41:04

Sunday living dream

Sunday living dreamToday I have a mission to pleasure myself- marks and spencer shopping spree to spray around my world with Harris's perfumed sprinkles and Marky's beautiful food at supermarket.Waiti...

2014-05-07 03:50:42

Job, Occupation or Life

Since June last year, I have placed my first step onto the Ceva Map. After a full month of dedication sandwiched by two interviews in within, the permanent job offer not only secures my stable income ...

2014-03-16 01:55:35

I love you this much...

This weekend, Will and Grace returned to the home town, and it is the first time the whole family completed: parents, grandpa, Will & Grace, and me.Skipping from the previous stage of yesterday's ...

2014-03-14 15:05:12


After nearly three year's absence, finally I scheduled a 10-day visit to Taiwan. It must have been the largest gap on time scale, inbetween last and recent visit; these are all due to the VISA battle ...

2014-01-18 23:59:57

? .... Unconditional Love

Unconditional love has been hounourly mentioned here and there, yesterday and future in the air by people. But the older I grow, the more experience I have in friendships, I dare to look down on any s...

2014-01-06 04:27:17

New Year Resolution 2014

Before stepping forward to the next calendar year, there was an UK article linked to Daily Mail Online advising people to set a realistic and realisable list of new year resolution. For example:I want...

2013-12-21 23:20:43

trigger in mine field of love

Early this week, my line manager K had encountered his emotional breaking point with his partner because of the unceasible negative obsession over the future sister-in-law. At work, he said nothing, i...

2013-11-18 01:46:24

woke up from the Nightmare

Late morning today - Sunday morning, we sent off the German girl. We helped out moving her stuff from the room to the corridor, from the corridor to the car; I gave her a 80% hug and a box of strawber...

2013-10-29 04:50:09

Vacant, braindead, copy machine

Vacant, braindead, copy machineI have encountered many difficult characters, yet none in the past failed to go through my positive nature - I always find the up side in them. Thus, I would appreciate ...

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