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2014-06-15 23:35:49| 人氣184| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Complicated condition makes Simple in Life

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I noticed myself addicting to purchasing the same products, ordering the same dishes, over and over again. However, I refused to agree to be branded as boring, unadventurous manner, as there are reasons behind this :) 

There is greed in me for food. Already found certain dishes in particular restaurants is beautifully sufficient enough to fuel my happiness in a meal time. Thus, the rest of dishes in that restaurants will be perceived as the perfect performance of ballet score on the restaurant floor needless my trial on them - as my heart, mind and buds are immersed in the love of my dishes already. 

Same applied to the make up foundation. Due to the risk of my unfriendly, over-sensitive skin, I have danced from stores to stores, tangoing between online reviews pre-purchase and necessary returns policies when disaster happens. Once I found one shade that compliments my complexion making me smile, I start collecting that.

Today sitting on my bus, pondering the temptation to get Lyn Harris collection. When I came back to my conciousness, I was standing in front of the shelf on the first floor of M&S. Quickly purchase another two scents, the usual and only two scents that brings me back every week. I feel excited like a little lady granted with the most elegant gifts, then the slight guilt when I step out of the store. 9 bottles already on my own shelf - yellow White floral; babypink Sandwood; and redpink Rose. Am I crazy? ....

After self-reflective exploration deep into my heart, I heard the explanation, understand the perspective and agree to me. 

I have never been a perfume craze; however, after years of trying out scents there was none really makes me happy, elevates my emotional state and beautifies my mood. Until Lyn comes to my world via Sheila. It is normal to think once this series is discontinued, Lyn will invent another series for other brands of course. But, it would be different, I told myself. 

If I love them so much, I have to give myself more opportunity to embrace them without the fear of having them disappearing before the next best loves arrive. They are just beautiful and my smile is proud of wearing them.

Can I also apply this "complicated condition makes simple of life" to the relationships? Nothing can stop me from phrasing them here anyway. I am always a loyal girlfriend/partner in life, however, I also realise one change in me that definitely is attributed to my growing love to myself. If I found something special in the relationship that makes me smile, brings me happiness sensations, then I don't source for other directions, as this is my love, like the perfume, like the dishes. However, when I couldn't feel satisfied in this relationship, many of my needs, my wants and my wishes, have been meeting the difficult blockages, I want something more from other sources. And in a way, I noticed myself justified the reasoning of my going out with new friends by the fact that the existing relationship is a slow-moving still water in the pond - going nowhere, getting nothing. Then...why not? 



台長: Viviandoll
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