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2014-12-13 22:38:55| 人氣113| 回應0 | 上一篇

New Age - Coupling Friends

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I wonder since when but today I realised one scenario of this momentary stage of my life where all my close friends are coupled. Either happily in marriage or stably in love, not only are they inspiring and pumping me with the hope and aspirations, their attentive love for one another is so enchantingly beautiful. Of course, every wonderful book has its bad pages of storyline, however, to my eyes and perceptions my coupled friends' relationships seem steady, strong, rich and mature. They care for one another, they support each other and they, surprisingly, are the best mate for one another. There are some saying the best mates and partners should be different people - because to them only the group sharing the same gender can access to certain part of your mind where your partner cannot reach; There are some advocating it as a stupid idea to marry your best mate. As the years of my age on earth grow, the more I am backing the older idea of having your best mate to be your partner in life or, to the least, of making best mate out of your chosen partner. Passion inclines to seize, love cools down, at some point, and the truly intimate friendships in relationship stays constantly. When you have no children's future to discuss, when you grow tired of creating surprises or romantic atmosphere, thousands of topics to discuss, common humours to laugh together become gold in life at the later age. I am lucky enough to witness all these beautiful yet un-irrealistic possibility of constant love in my friends' marriages. And I have been benefited from their happiness as well as simply being inspired to believe in love and in marriage. When I was in need of going away from a recent break-up back then, Leike and Gavin took me in, offered me a room, made my this stage of life much easier to adjust back to normal yet not completely feeling on my own. There are the fairytalely Fifi and her partner Steve continuously take me to Newton Dee outings. There are my boss Keith and his wife Cindy often invite me over for homecook dinner, for cinema visit, for several dates. There are now Korean Jade and her husband Simon offering me another potential one-bedroom flat to rent; they even invite me over for Boxing day visit, simply because they are concerned that I would be on my own for this Christmas, even though we only met three time.

台長: Viviandoll
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