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2014-11-12 16:34:46| 人氣767| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Review & Reflect [Gone Girl]

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Gone GirlI went to cinema for Gone Girl 2 times. Last time I did this obsessive excitement was for The Life of Pi (apparently. It's primary for the love of Taiwan and the director). This time with Gone Girl is different. There are so many details fascinate me, such entangled emotions that grab me, such a depressing of philosophy in marriage that puzzle me. Amy lived her childhood constantly being idolised by the public through mother's colourful pen, and despite some hobbies fell off the reality the amazing Amy leads always well ahead in the stories than real forms. She is competing with her own image, her own reputation, under her own glory of fame and perfection, even though the perfect form never exist and was merely a creation of her mum. Is it the suppression throughout both the childhood and adolescence, is it the pressure of living in the shadow of mother's expectation, or is it parents love of harsh disapproving disappointment on her choice of life nurtures this form of being?With her intelligence, carrying amicable beauty, manner and admirable academic degree are easily feasible. She marries for love and romance; she breathes for perfection in life. Of course, she lives and strives up to the dreams of her husband, until the ideality is undone, the admiration is gone. Don't get her wrong, she worked hard to maintain the perfect image and duties as 'the' wife that she drew out to be: Amy stayed size 2, tried to perform wonderfully how cool and ideal wife that all men aspire to be with. She moved to the village to play good company to the mother in law. While her parts of role done seemingly flawlessly, yet more sacrifice than she realised it took, the role of husband had been slipping down - not only did he fail to care for her, laying back passively as lazy bone, taking her for granted, he even used the same trick to phish younger girl. Amy and her husband's unique romance is not the special anymore. This betrayal to the past memories has made their marriage valueless. She loved him so much; she had to ruin him, even if this is at the price of her own life. Her manipulation is one of the heritages of her mum, her controlling feature in life also echoes her mum's feature. Did her parents create this monster, or is the sociopath born naturally? 


「We upset each other, we tried to control each other, we made each other suffering, why you want this?」「Well... It's marriage」

台長: Viviandoll
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全站分類: 電影賞析(電影情報、觀後感、影評) | 個人分類: 粉Addict |
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