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2014-03-16 01:55:35| 人氣1,137| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

I love you this much...

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This weekend, Will and Grace returned to the home town, and it is the first time the whole family completed: parents, grandpa, Will & Grace, and me. 

Skipping from the previous stage of yesterday's emotional drama with my mother, today has been folding a beautiful page. Will is so solidly, stably, offering himself to the grandpa and instantly I am moved by how grandpa seems relying on Will that steadily. 

After a casual, yet seemingly festive, home lunch, we dined out at Tasty restaurant tonight. We walked pass the park where the street entertainers and artcraft stalls lined our way home. We stopped for some time to listen to a Japanese performer's opera singing, under this bright full moon, I couldn't be more content: my family are healthily next to me, my eternally loved moon is above us, and in all the music, the street art. The atmosphere was beautifully twinkled, the loving atmosphere has been knitted protectively, respectively and lovingly around us.

snail after rain.jpg

Suddenly, I feel quite sad thinking about my approaching date of departure. There is a prospective future in career, either in oil & gas industries or in education. There is a person there with whom I feel close to and like part of me. There is a Vivian who has more chance of continue growing, as long as I am afar and unable to hide under my parents' protective, loving, wings.  

I love my family more than anyone I ever love in this life time. Maybe... this time is harder for me to fly away....because my heart has been tied strongly with the feeling for them. 

台長: Viviandoll
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全站分類: 家庭生活(育兒、親子關係、婚姻) | 個人分類: 杜佳城堡 |
此分類下一篇:another milestone
此分類上一篇:Heart, Pray and Love

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