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2003-11-05 17:38:51| 人氣46| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Judi Dench 茱蒂丹契

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There's nothing like a dame

‧ 標題說明
副標題取自音樂劇«南太平洋»(South Pacific) 裡一首著名的歌曲

Judi Dench has been 1)acclaimed as one of the greatest actresses of her generation. She was even named a Dame of the British Empire in 1988. Despite great success in 2)theater and television, she remained largely unknown outside Britain until the 1990s. Her Oscar-winning performance in the hit Shakespeare in Love raised her 3)profile, though she may be best known for her 4)role as James Bond's boss M.


‧ 本段單字

1) acclaim (v.) 喝彩,叫好
2) theater (n.) 戲劇,舞台劇
3) profile (n.) 輪廓,知名度
4) role (n.) 角色

A native of Yorkshire, England, Dench has always been interested in theater. She originally wanted to be a 1)set designer, but later decided to try acting. Although Dench says she is always shy-"If you were to ask me to make a speech 2)in public, I'd 3)faint at the 4)prospect," she once said-she was an instant success.


‧ 本段單字

1) set (n.) 佈景
2) in public (phr.) 公開,在公共場合
3) faint (v.) 昏倒
4) prospect (n.) 景象,展望

This year, her performance as 1)novelist Iris Murdoch in the 2)biographical Iris gained her another Oscar 3)nomination. Iris Murdoch was one of Britain's best-known novelists before 4)contracting Alzheimer's disease. Dench said it was "the hardest 5)part I've ever had to play."


‧ 本段單字

1) novelist (n.) 小說家
2) biographical (a.) 傳記的
3) nomination (n.) 提名
4) contract (v.) 染上
5) part (n.) 角色

This recent Oscar nomination was Dench's fourth in the past five years, but she is still excited by the honor. "It's always very, very surprising," she said. Although she didn't win this time, the 68-year-old actress will probably have more chances in the future.


台長: 靜惠
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