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2003-10-09 13:44:33| 人氣52| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Gangs of New York 紐約黑幫

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gang (n.) 幫派

‧ Bringing old New York alive

You may go to Gangs of New York to check out Leonardo DiCaprio and Daniel Day Lewis as 1)cold-blooded 2)turn-of-the-century 3)gangsters. However, you may be 4)distracted by the 5)detailed 6)sets and 7)costumes of this 8)deluxe 9)drama.


1) cold-blooded (a.) 冷血的
2) turn-of-the-century (a.) 世紀交替時代的
3) gangster (n.) 幫派份子
4) distract (v.) 使分心
5) detailed (a.) 詳細的
6) set (n.) 場景
7) costume (n.) 戲服
8) deluxe (a.) 豪華的
9) drama (n.) 戲劇

The 1)realistic wood and 2)brick buildings and 3)muddy streets where pigs run next to 4)pickpockets must surely have added to the film's US$100 million 5)price tag. Since the old 6)tenements and 7)cobbled streets of 1840s New York no longer exist, director Martin Scorcese moved the 8)production to Rome, where a dirty downtown neighborhood was 9)recreated.


1) realistic (a.) 寫實的
2) brick (n.) 磚頭
3) muddy (a.) 泥濘的
4) pickpocket (n.) 扒手
5) price tag (phr.) 標韱
6) tenement (n.) 公寓
7) cobble (v.) 用鵝卵石鋪
8) production (n.) (電影)製作
9) recreate (v.) 重創

Scorcese had been trying for 30 years to turn the Herbert Asbury book into a movie. In the end, the surroundings are so realistic it looks as if the details of the 1)smoky bars and 2)fancy 3)mansions took that long to create!


1) smoky (a.) 煙霧瀰漫的
2) fancy (a.) 花俏的
3) mansion (n.) 豪宅

Watching the film, one can easily get lost inside the dark, 1)dusty tenements where poor 2)immigrants lived 3)crammed like 4)sardines. Outside, gangs 5)riot with 6)clubs, knives and 7)axes. Yes, it is a violent film, and it's definitely not for children, but there are still many 8)splendid elements. While DiCaprio and Lewis may be praised for their acting ability, surely the sets and 9)scenery of the Gangs of New York should also get 10)star-billing.


1) dusty (a.) 多灰塵的
2) immigrant (n.) (外來)移民
3) cram (v.) 塞
4) sardine (n.) 沙丁魚
5) riot (v.) 暴亂
6) club (n.) 棍棒
7) axe (n.) 斧
8) splendid (a.) 很棒的
9) scenery (n.) 景色
10) star-billing (n.) 明星演員表

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