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2007-01-31 17:16:42| 人氣67| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Breath Taking

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I put those pictures on my MSN
and when people ask about this breath taking place

I tell them that it’s my ”dream house”

Where could this beautifully furnished house be?

None other than our lovely Vancouver.

The crowning glory of the Presidio at Stanley Park is this incomparable Penthous e, rising 20-storeys above the Park it occupies the entire top 2 floors of the t ower. Spectacular renovateion, 360-degree views from Coal Harbour to the Gulf Islands! State-of-the-art in every detail. Commanding central staircase, open plan kitchen/dining, library, lounge, media room, 1350 sq ft of terraces, outdoor kitchen, hot tub. This may well be the finest!

# 1988 2088 BARCLAY ST
Vancouver, British Columbia
V6G 1L5
Downtown West End

MLS®: V619268

It’s my visionary apartment, I hope to own it one day.

台長: GQ
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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