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2005-10-03 05:01:22

Eyes of wolves

2005/09/30 Eyes of wolves Have you ever noticed the color of wolves’ eyes? Some of they are yellow, and the most peripheral circle is black (or brown?). They look deep, shiny, and seem calm, cold...

2005-09-26 15:18:18

Where did you see God this week?

Where did you see God this week? 2005/9/26 The teacher of Sunday school asked us to close our eyes to meditate this question today. I was touched. Though there was so much frustration within th...

2005-09-17 12:16:17

{digital camera issue}20050916

Sweet Fish, Thank you so much. I will consider your proposal and check the price and quality here. So many thanks! You know what? The words you said from The Alchemist was presented to me from an...

2005-09-11 13:36:08

Making the Most of Every Opportunity

Making the Most of Every Opportunity—Ephesians5:16 Praise Lord. I was frustrated and desperate last week. I could not follow others’ discussion well. I was too astonished to express my points whe...

2005-09-05 10:02:26

Be strong in Lord

[Be Strong In Lord] Heavenly Father, Thank you for answering my question. “Am I doing the right thing?” “Yes.” Why am I here? Where am I going to? Which direction should I follow? These questi...

2005-08-28 04:13:29

Christianity 8/27/05

2005/8/27 Christians and church here make me down. Some Christians are very active on campus, while the church I attended last Sunday is not. I’ve left my personal information to them. The other c...

2005-08-26 14:46:50

Foreigners, English, Austin

I was frustrated that my listening was not good enough. Besides, for I know, I am the only new graduate student without TA or RA. TA or RA can waive their tuition fee. “Am I not qualified? Are the...

2005-08-22 11:47:35

glance in Austin

Dear all: You can say I am already settled well. I find my own apartment eventually. In ten days, I moved twice. It’s a big job! Fortunately, two of my friends live next to my complex. Apartm...

2005-08-09 22:10:12


親愛的伙伴們: 我動身前往美國了 展開未知的旅途 這裡可能會缺水一陣子 等我安頓好 會盡快和大家分享 你們也要保重喔 Bon Voyage!

2005-07-16 00:22:54


剪刀裁短了髮絲,暫時解除心頭憂悶。颱風來襲前的天空,很藍,很藍。 有一陣子沒有剪短髮了,然而與我熟悉的朋友都知道,短髮曾經是我最習慣的髮型。輕巧不囉唆,不需要特別梳理,很隨性。 繳交口試本後,...

2005-07-11 10:46:24


2005/7/11 勞玲斯著,黎父譯,台北:遠景出版,1992 「有一件事是每一個人都必須知道的,…說話不算話的是『生活』(p.487)。」 「每一個人都希望生活過得美好、安逸。孩子,生活是美好的,非常美好,可是...

2005-07-10 00:14:40


2005/7/9 高中同學要結婚了。每次朋友結婚的消息總是引人感嘆,時間走的這樣快,不知不覺,身邊單身朋友的數目逐日減少,一個人的孤單與日遽增。 最近朋友送了一本「當男孩遇見女孩」的書,作者本身是基督徒...

2005-07-04 23:56:13


2005/7/4 保羅說他只有一件事要做,就是忘記背後,努力面前。 我知道不能讓過去成為我的綑綁; 我知道人的情緒會傳染,你愈恨一個人,他也會愈恨你; 我知道有太多讓事情改善的方法, 其實不應該一味地回...

2005-07-01 11:13:35


2005/7/1 問號永遠比句號具有殺傷力。 高中聯考時,沒能擠上一女中,使的高一充滿陰鬱,我讓所有人失望了,連自己都沒能挽留,世界上再沒人對我懷抱任何信心,父親、母親、姊姊、師長們。大家只是惋惜著我...

2005-06-29 14:17:56


2005/6/27; 2005/6/29 你快樂,所以我快樂 看見心愛的人愁苦,心也不斷下沈。要怎樣才能突破人的偏執呢?想唸書的人沒有錢,有錢人家不愛唸書,愚笨的人喜歡論文帶來的成就感,聰明的人喜歡瞬間激發的創意新...

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