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2010-10-20 16:20:40| 人氣204| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇
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A Stroll around the Old Tea District: Dadaocheng

A Stroll around the Old Tea District: Dadaocheng


The scent of yesteryear still lingers in the air along Dadaocheng Wharf, once filled with the sails of ships carrying an endless procession of passengers, and GuiDe Street, where imported goods flowed in and always sold out in no time, and the little canal on Xining N. Road where cargo boats were once constantly in motion. Following the peddlers’ eager voices, it’s still a thrill to walk among the old tea merchant houses along Yanping N. Road, Chongqing N. Road, and Minsheng W. Road... 


Suggested route: Lee Chun-sheng Memorial Christ Presbyterian Church → Jin Family Tea Merchants → Wang Jin Jhen Tea Merchants → Minato-cho Cultural Lecture Hall → Shin Fang Chun Tea Merchants → Chaoyang Tea ParkLin Liu-Hsin Puppet Theatre Museum Dadaocheng Wharf → Wang’s TeaXiahai City God Temple


Nearby MRT stations: Zhongshan Station (transfer by bus to Dihua St.) 



台長: 台北文化護照小天使
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全站分類: 台灣旅遊(台澎金馬)

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