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Between Promontory and Stream: Treasure Hill

Between Promontory and Stream: Treasure Hill


Treasure Hill may be Taipei City’s quaintest neighborhood. Nestled on the back slope of Guanyin Hill in the busy Gongguan area, Treasure Hill was settled in the late 17th century by Chinese immigrants, and slowly grew as an impromptu cluster of unauthorized structures. By the end of the 1980s, more than 200 houses had been built here.


In February 2004, the city government recognized this mysterious settlement as a group of historical buildings. The Taipei Department of Cultural Affairs is now in the midst of transforming the area into an artist village in order to preserve the unique history of Treasure Hill.


The community looks south from Guanyin Hill over the Xindian River. Formed from the confluence of the Nanshi and Beishi streams, the Xindian is one of the three major tributaries of the Danshui, and one of the main sources of drinking water in Taipei.


Treasure Hill is indeed a treasure trove of history, and a hidden jewel of nature, right in the heart of the city. Just a few minutes’ walk from bustling Roosevelt Road, the neighborhood offers a tranquil respite, with a cool arts scene secreted amongst fascinating winding alleys, green trees, and wide lawns opening out to a riverside bike trail. The perfect urban getaway.


Nearby MRT station: Gongguan Station



台長: 台北文化護照小天使
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全站分類: 台灣旅遊(台澎金馬)

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