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The Old Trails of Muzha

Stroll of the Senses: The Old Trails of Muzha


With the arrival of the Chinese Nationalist government in Taiwan following World War II, many realist painters chose the trails around Zhinan Temple in Muzha as their regular haunts.


All along the mountain paths are stone lamps, arches, pagodas and seats. This area still bespeaks a tale of former glories, with its wide variety of trees growing lushly on both sides of the walks and abandoned farmhouses and stores along the paths bearing witness to generations past.


The Xiaokeng Trail highlights the eagerness of modern people to come in close contact with mountain waters. The tranquil, natural flow of Dongshan Stream may even prove an inspiration to a new generation of painters.


Located nearby in Taipei City’s Wenshan District, the area of Maokong is famed for its teahouses and historical hiking trails.


Maokong’s most celebrated blend of tea is Tie Guanyin (“Iron Goddess”) imported from Anxi Province in China, where legend has it that the goddess Guanyin herself discovered the tea and placed it in an iron cauldron. Tie Guanyin can be harvested four to five times a year, with the spring harvest ranked No.1 in quality.


MRT stations: Taipei Zoo Station, transfer to the Maokong Gondola, alight at either Zhinan Temple Station or Maokong Station.


Alternatively, take the MRT to Wanfang Hospital Station, transfer to bus and alight at Zhinan Temple.


台長: 台北文化護照小天使
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全站分類: 台灣旅遊(台澎金馬)

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