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2010-08-16 09:39:52| 人氣2,079| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Posh Features Vs Sherry's Birthday.

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info from their website.


Sashimi in English is “Raw Seafood”. Sashimi is considered a Japanese delicacy.

 I first remembered back ten years when Japanese food was still makings its run into the mainstream market in Vancouver that Sashimi was only served at premium prices and at some of the top Japanese restaurants.

Today, Sashimi has become a norm, a fundamental pillar of the Japanese dining experience. Its simple and fresh form makes this a healthy and desirable alternative to “red meats”. As a matter of fact, Sashimi could be eatten as a starter or as the main course in the meal. Sashimi generally is served with Wasabi, used with the compliments of soy sauce to make a powerful and distinct hot flavor. The use of this green paste is to add flavor yet kill parasites that could be present in raw seafood.

Certainly, I would be the first to say that I’m a lover for seafood, cooked or raw. Since I was eight years old, I learned to appreciate food. The one I appreciate most is the delicacies of Sashimi. My favorite of them all would be Salmon and Scallops. Gosh, I’m hungry just talking about it. If you haven’t had Sashimi, I encourage you to just try. You will be surprised.

FYI. Posh will soon be premiering Sashimi as part of our selection available for your Japanese Sukiyaki experience. Stay tuned.

Happy Birthday to Sherry~

All u can eat only 11.88+Tax+Tip


Posh Features. for Sherry 's  19th Birthday.

West Broadway
101-1788 West Broadway
Vancouver, BC
(underneath Future Shop)
604-737-7674 (POSH)
Email: info@303-posh.com


台長: Momo~
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