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Soar Over China

FlyOver Canada is proud to present the anticipated return of Flight of the Dragon. In celebration of Chinese New Year, and Year of the Monkey, FlyOver Canada gives riders the exceptional experience of soaring over China’s spectacular cities and vistas, flying above the electrifying city of Shanghai, the snow-peaked Himalayas, and the majestic Great Wall before immediately lifting off again for an iconic flight over Canada, as part of this limited-engagement event. Guests will experience BOTH flight rides for the regular admission price.

FlyOver Canada is Vancouver’s hottest new attraction!

Soar over Canada’s most spectacular sights on an unforgettable ride experience the whole family will love!

FlyOver Canada is an amazing virtual flight ride in which you will “take off” into a huge domed screen to enjoy a breathtaking flight across the country. The motion seating and special effects including wind, scents and mist combine to make you feel as if you truly are flying!

The complete FlyOver Canada experience lasts approximately 25 minutes. Your journey begins with UpLift!, an inspiring audio-visual pre-show that gets you ready for the flight. Next, you will head to the boarding zone, where our flight guides will prepare you to embark on the Ultimate Flying Ride. The ride takes approximately 8 minutes.


2015 12

台長: Momo~
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全站分類: 海外旅遊(國外、大陸) | 個人分類: Travel in Canada加拿大旅遊 |
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