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2004-07-24 17:29:18| 人氣75| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Sometimes-by My Bloody Valentine

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This is undoubtedly the best song in Hohaiyan Festival, though impossible to be performed in live anymore. Sometimes, accompanied by sunset, is not only the most beautiful scene I have ever seen but also the most sorrowful feeling I could have felt.

At that time point, the song and the crowd in the festival make me to realize that I can never have a distinctive life because I am too weak to decide. I leave myself in a very strange place, stick there and can’t choose any direction to go. Every morning I turn on my player, let the song played and go to work in despair. Ironically, I love my work so much and I do really think this is the best job in the world. But I still feel sad.

People said we are lucky as we have the right to choose. I do agree with their opinion. Therefore,
I should be grateful because I have the right not to be mediocre
I should be satisfied because the goals are no longer remote if I keep going on.
I should be more energetic because I enjoy challenging myself at any time.
But why all I can feel is loneliness and sadness, why nothing interests me anymore.

Six weeks left for my last summer vacation, I have been so tired during these months, either in work or in the relationships with others. I need to slow down; think about my entire life because this would be the last chance I can make any change. I am pessimistic, however, to come up with any creative ideas for it. Eventually, I believe I will take it all, and be as aggressive as I can for the rest of my life. If so, I will leave everything I have experienced in my memory, and become the kind of person I have hated so much before. It seems to be the best way for resolving the dilemma ahead of me. Mediocrity or betrayal, it’s about the time to make the final judgment.

台長: BZ
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全站分類: 工作甘苦(工作心得、創業、求職)

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