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2007-10-16 13:34:00| 人氣37| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

給妳的 update

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之前的忙, 都是 ”逼” 出來的忙
”逼” 自己要運動
”逼” 自己要讀書
PDA 上面一大堆的行程, 其實都是自己 ”逼” 出來的

好多 appointments, met up with 好多 realtors, financial planners, etc
打了好多電話, 學習有關地產的知識, 增加行銷的技巧

行事曆上的 events, 不一會兒就 fill up
and the best part is, I don’t just sit at the office all day

I make phone calls, presentations, talk to realtors, talk to
clients, follow up with clients, close up sales and everything

這種有 accomplishments 的 weeks 很不錯, 很 productive

我已經賣出去 land 了喔!

老闆 (Kerry Lum) 真的很嚇一大跳, 他沒有認為我會走的這麼快
他認為我要兩,三個月, 天天熬, 不斷打電話, 學習, 等等, 才會成功賣出地
沒想到我在前三星期就賣出了兩筆生意, 成交了一畝地

He kept on saying he’s very impressed about my performance
and that I have truly earned his respect.

He didn’t expect a 24 year old to have the maturity to sell land,
especially in such short time.

He will committ himself with me, and develop me into an even
better businessman in the future!

我會繼續努力的, I see a bright future w/ this company
老闆今天第一次帶我出去吃午餐, 就馬上介紹他地產方面的人脈給我

不斷認識高階層的地產人脈, 真好

999 w.Hastings St.
16 樓, office 還頗有氣派, office 很漂亮
我每天都會從公司看到 Coal Harbour 的 view

在忙個幾年, 我就會買我的 dream house


p.s. 我工作結束, 就去整理妳家
現在東西已經全部寄回台灣了, 我準備找人來開始油漆

I really think this opportunity to invest w/ your mom can get me
closer to you....and working w/ your mom can ONLY succeed, never fail.

Just like our love in the future.

台長: GQ
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