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2007-09-17 13:46:44| 人氣78| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Trump: The Best Real Estate Advice I Ever Received

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最近在讀 Donald Trump 的 ”The Best Real Estate Advice I Ever Received”

裡面有很多很好的 quotes, 可是到目前有兩個, 我 keep with me forever,
在這裡跟妳 share:

> ”If you stay inside your comfort zone, you’ll never be in a position
to make bold bets, which ultimately define who you are and how far you
will go. Take careful risks.

~ Bruce Karatz, CEO of KB Home

> ”Real estate advice is self-generated and has much to do with focusing
on your vision and reaffirming your objectives. Listen to yourself.”

~ Harry Macklowe, CEO of Macklowe Properties

focusing on your vision and reaffirming your objectives...


我的 short-term vision 是:

1) 在未來的三年內, 我要踏出當 developer 的第一步: 找齊我的建築師, 設計師, 承包商, engineers and planners, 蓋出一間獨立, 高雅, 受人青睞的房屋

2) 在未來的三年內, 我要買到屬於我的一棟 multi-family apartment building. 我要把它 remodel, 變的很漂亮, 再把它出租出去, 或轉手賣掉.

我一方面和最近合作的公司學習新的知識, 一方面在旁邊充實自己的親身經驗, 我會跑的很快的. 我會用 small action steps 來 realize 我的 vision


time is running out

台長: GQ
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