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Top Gun Hot Pot

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Not your typical Chinese restaurant due to the fact the morning

operations are for dim sum, and the night operations are for hot pot.


Because this is part of the "Top Gun" group of restaurants,

if your a member of the card program, you get some special discounts,

like before 11:30 (I think it is, or is it before 11) you get 40% off dim sum

(there dim sum is not cheap, let me add). Also you get 10% off their hot pot,

and collect points. They are located in Crystal Mall,

 and usually are packed throughout the day, make reservations,

 yet you still may be waiting a little if you are in the middle of the pack.


There is one particular lady who likes to hassle people into

hurrying their order and then getting you out as soon as possible.

I understand they want to turn over tables,

but there isn't any reason

for outright rudeness. If you just want cheap food,

it's worth a try.

But there are better options in the area.

Top Gun Hot Pot

Address~4500 Kingsway
Burnaby, BC V5H 2A9
 Neighbourhood: Metrotown

 (604) 419-0788

Mon-Sun 9 am - 3 pm breakfast and lunch

Mon-Sun 5:30 pm - 10 pm dinner
Good for Kids:Yes
Accepts Credit Cards:Yes
Good for Groups:Yes
Price Range:$$
Takes Reservations:Yes
Take Away:No
Waiter Service:Yes
Outdoor Seating:No
Good For:Lunch


2012 10 29

台長: Momo~
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