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2004-08-01 22:30:06| 人氣83| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

helpless condition, but working happily

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Forgive me for didn't write sth here in the past few weeks...

coz...i felt soooooo helpless with my family.

Really really helpless...

that makes me wanted to quote a lyric from MC Hotdogs:

「我的生活fucked up 每天...」

Right now, although...I still live in the same condition...

however, I work very very hard everyday to get myself out of this condition.

This is good, i think...

I'm happy with it. Bought 2 rings from Esprit for myself as a reward.

Now, I'm happy. For a while, at least.

Thank god it's Monday again!!!

台長: 六樓提琴手


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