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2005-04-13 00:38:27| 人氣257| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Things that you should know abt me

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I'm getting more and more frustrated with US lately. I don't know what has gone wrong; however, I know one thing --- I'm acting on my own now and I don't care about what ppl say anymore.

I don't like it everytime when you're comparing yourself to him. Never do that, pls -- coz he can never be compared to you. I hate to see you're comparing the way how I treat him and you. TRUST ME, it does not worth any. Do not come to me and my friends with this kind of complaint. It really pissed me off!!! I respect any of you so do not compare either yourself or I.

I just don't get it!! Why do we have to talk on the phone EVERY SINGLE DAY???? We are adults since long time ago...we have soooo many important things that we have to do or have to keep up with, such as : working, reading, exercising... I need time on my own!!!

How many times do I have to make you understand --- I work over time everyday from 9am till 8,9,10...pm...don't know when. I need more time to relax!! You know what my mom is like...do not expect me to ignore her...I can't...don't even ask me why is that!!! SHE'S MY MOTHER, the one who raise me, who devoted herself to give me a fruitful life!! I must spend time with her since she's suffering thru a miserable marriage already... I understand what you think is -- it's unfair to you...coz after I spend time on my job/my mom/myself...then the balanced time for you is few but I think you should take it or just leave it...that will make the whole thing MUCH MUCH EASIER!!!

I hate to be suspected! It pressures me!!! Do not try to spy upon everything I do. When do I get home, what did I do before I go home, why do I get home soo late, why didn't I phone you at the first time while I got home, do I meet any guys when I went out with friends??? These stupid intolerable questions drives me soooooooooooo crazy!!!

I am not the same anymore!! I do what makes my life into a higher level. That's the thing I care. I will not do things that would ruin my life anymore...I've had done ENOUGH with that. I think all of us should get a center point in our lives so that your point is how to make yourself better in stead of making yourself better for sb else!!

Pls pls keep in mind that if you cannot accept it, maybe we should try to face to the reality ...it would be healthier and much more beneficial to all of us!

台長: 六樓提琴手
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