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2004-08-06 16:28:27| 人氣110| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Am I sexy?!

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Am I hot? OHH...yaaa...I'm hot. At least...I'm hot in my professional area.

The meaning of "hot" is...professional and specialize.

A month ago, I came into the office, I was like a super dumb head. I knew nothing at all. Even the delivery boy can tease me and I could be teased without a clue.

4 weeks passed by, I know something now. Not much, but just enough for defending myself not to get teased by somebody else. That's a progress!! Now I'm like the better dumb head, and I wish I will not be a dumb head after one year.

Joe, my theater designing counselor, said I'm hot. "A year before, she was sooo quiet, she did what people told her to do. She played one song during the play. And now, a year after, see how amazing she is! She directs the whole team to sing with her piano for over 20 songs. She did 23 songs, and played on a 2,000,000NTD piano in front of 2000 people!! Val, you're a hot girl, indeed. The hot I mean is not only sexy but the professional concentration makes you look soooooo hot/sexy. Don't get "sexy" in the dirty way. It also means wise. Get everything you're good at under control, that is sexy, hot and wise." Joe said to us while we went out for a drink.

So, I'm sexy? HAAAAhahah...I wouldn't say I was not sexy while I played piano or violin, but I know well that I'm neither sexy nor hot enough at the area of my job. There're still tooo many thing I cannot make it under my control. My boss is kind of a sexy, hot woman. Although she's over weight...(she admitted, too!!) She has faith in herself and handles everything soooooo well that I admire her soooo much. And guess how long she has been in this area...! OVER 30 YEARS! Wow...I guess I could never be like that in 40 years. However, I think by having faith in myself does work a lot. So I'll start to have more faith in myself and turn everything to be possible. That's how I can be SEXY!

台長: 六樓提琴手
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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