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老歌亂談(1181)Blame It On The Bossa Nova

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此曲為知名的寫歌夫妻檔Barry Mann與Cynthia Weil所寫。由女歌手Eydie Gorme首錄發行 。不過,Eydie Gorme在初次接觸這首歌時並不喜歡也拒絕錄唱,後在唱片公司逼迫下,才勉強的「隨便唱唱」,心想如此唱片公司應該不會將之發行。而Eydie Gorme的料想錯誤,此曲在1963發行後,在美國排行榜奪得第7名,另在澳洲、南非、瑞典、西德等均為排行榜的冠軍,成為了一首國際暢銷曲。

Barry Mann & Cynthia Weil

巴薩諾瓦(Bossa Nova)是葡萄牙文,「Bossa」原意是演奏森巴時的自然風格與氣質,「Nova」則是新的意思。結合起來,巴薩諾瓦就是一種融合了傳統巴西森巴(samba)節奏與啼樂(choro)的一種「新派音樂」。巴薩諾瓦在1950年代末期的巴西興起。1960年代美國更掀起一陣巴薩諾瓦風潮,延燒到世界各地,影響了往後1970、80年代的電影及流行音樂。( 以上摘錄部份維基百科)

歌名中的Blame,有「歸咎」「責怪」之義,乍看之下似乎是Bossa Nova出了什麼問題?其實反而是因為跳Bossa Nova舞成就了一段姻緣,說是怪罪,而只是在想掩飾自己「情不自禁」的拖詞罷了。就像台灣男歌手張宇和「蕭十一郎」交往多年,卻忽然在加拿大閃婚,事後倆人面對媒體的追問說不出原因,而歸給了月亮 -- 「就當是月亮惹的禍吧」!兩者有「異曲同工」之妙。

張宇 & 十一郎


I was at a dance
When he caught my eye
Standin' all alone
Lookin' sad and shy
We began to dance
Swayin' to and fro
And soon I knew I'd never let him go

Blame it on the bossa nova
With its magic spell
Blame it on the bossa nova
That he did so well
Oh, it all began with just one little dance
But soon it ended up a big romance
Blame it on the bossa nova
The dance of love

No, no, the bossa nova
(Or the stars above?)
No, no, the bossa nova
(Now was it the tune?)
Yeah, yeah, the bossa nova
(The dance of love)

Now, I'm glad to say
I'm his bride to be
And we're gonna raise a family
And when our kids ask
How it came about
I'm gonna say to them without a doubt
Blame it on the bossa nova
With its magic spell

Blame it on the bossa nova
That he did so well
Oh, it all began with just one little dance
But soon it ended up a big romance
Blame it on the bossa nova
The dance of love
No, no, the bossa nova
(Or the stars above?)
No, no, the bossa nova
(Now was it the tune?)
Yeah, yeah, the bossa nova
(The dance of love)

No, no, the bossa nova
(Or the stars above?)
No, no, the bossa nova
(Now was it the tune?)
Yeah, yeah, the bossa nova

台長: 流浪阿狗
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