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2003-08-30 13:19:51| 人氣44| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Thinking of my dad.

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That isn't just for today that i miss him. I always
think if he is here .......if he can be well.........
if they didn't break....if really as same as Mr.wong who
is my neighbour(that family always has family day..their
sons are growing healthily.I am not meaning that i
didn't grow healthily.caz i just want to have an original

I don't mean to complain anything...i am just a querimonious

I still remember my mobile phone. It was bought by him,
though i forced him to buy one for me last time.
I know he can't have any spare money for me anymore..
But he is my father.so i think he should do his duty..
anyway.sometimes really quite angry for him..
but i just love him so ! that is so amazing that the relationship
between us.i know i will love him even he isn't a good dad
or he is a good dad for his son.

I've promised myself. i must take care of him when i totally
can stand for myself.and i will support him.

also my mother.uncle.sister.brothers.cousins.friendx...
i know i care too much..but they care me so much too!?

台長: sylues
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