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商用英文名片設計以及演講比賽獲勝同學名單如下將於星期三(100.01.03)頒發得獎榮譽  99學年度商用名片設計比賽得獎名單主辦單位:應用外語系n       最佳視覺......(詳全文)
發表時間:2011-01-02 20:54 | 人氣:261 | 回應:0
Arrange a meeting 1.You are A and your partner is B. You have to phone B    to arrange a meeting. You can use information,     such as your name,......(詳全文)
發表時間:2010-12-07 23:09 | 人氣:370 | 回應:0

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