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2003-05-29 22:44:07


Today, when I got home, I saw my Examinee's Score Record of General English Proficiency Test. Suddenly, I realized that I didn't pass it. Why? Because I didn't get the Certificate but the score record...

2003-05-24 10:40:08

《Animal Farm》

【作者簡介】喬治˙歐威爾(George Orwell,1903-1950),原名為艾力克˙普雷亞(Eric Blair),六月二十五日出生於印度彭加爾省莫堤赫利,為英國著名的政治諷刺評論家。父親李察˙普雷亞為蘇格蘭裔英國人,曾任印度總督...

2003-05-23 23:19:33


Yesterday I had prepared for the report of English Conversation, and I made it in the afternoon. Besides, I also finished my Historical report on time and perfectly. How uneasy, uncomfortable, and ner...

2003-05-18 22:32:28

《Die Leiden Des Jungen Werthers》

【作者簡介】 歌德(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,1749-1832),18世紀著名詩人、小說家、劇作家,為德國文學巨擘。歌德與希臘詩人荷馬、義大利詩人但丁、英國劇作家莎士比亞,同為世界文壇不朽人物。自小生長在富饒...

2003-05-15 21:36:11

- Set up My Mind -

I used to dream of many roles that I wanted to become, such as an artist because I liked painting and calligraphy, a writer because I liked to put down things in words, a singer because I liked singin...

2003-05-07 14:42:58

- BLUE -

Blue-biography In May 2001, a new band named Blue released their debut single. The next year saw the band achieve a meteoric rise to fame, becoming the hottest new act to emerge from the UK in years ...

2003-04-21 19:21:33


I've lost the ability of feeling sense. How come? What should I do to get back this skill of mine? I don't know... No one knows... No one cares about it... I am alone again...

2003-04-13 00:58:14

...How Wonderful Life Is... 

(Friday, 11 April 2003) I ran into Paul online and also was chatting with him by using the yahoo messager in the middle night of yesterday, and we talked something about his DJ job, which was well pa...

2003-04-07 20:07:59

Nicole Kidman


2003-04-06 20:19:09

追 張國榮

追 張國榮 曲:李迪文 詞:林夕 編:George Leong 這一生 也在進取 這分鐘 卻掛念誰  我會說 是唯獨你 不可失去  好風光 似幻似虛 誰明人生樂趣  我會說 為情為愛 仍然是對 *誰比你重要...

2003-03-31 18:37:28

...Hurry Up...

It was a little hurry this morning outside. I was not be careful about my apllication stuff. When Emily found out that my autobiography didn't show up on the computer,I was drived by Mei to home to ...

2003-03-30 20:38:30

-this afternoon-

I chatted with dear Shio on the phone,and we met together. Our conversation was about our life,classmates,friends,stuff like that. There were something made me feel shocked and curious about,but...

2003-03-30 10:24:02

...worry about...

I am worried about the English Proficiency Test of the second class' reexamine about writing and speaking. I am worried about the oral report of business administration. I am worried about the r...

2003-03-28 12:22:41


    ※※給願意創造自己附加價值的同伴 「工作」是人生的主軸,占據著生活中絕大部分的時間,影響至深至廣我們 若在工作崗位上無法獲得尊嚴與快樂,那麼我們所感受到的人生必是灰暗不明的。 『沒有尊嚴與...

2003-03-28 12:18:10


面對挫折逃避是沒有用的,不要留戀過去的美麗, 你必須去承認挫折的存在,認清現在的情況, 然後設法以最好的方式來做處理。 有一位業務員,騎著一台中古摩托車,騎到哪裡銷售到哪裡,常常...

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