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2004-06-10 11:55:07
2004-06-07 20:35:34

First Day At Work

June 7, 2004 07:40 AM ~ 18:05 PM

2004-06-06 00:31:25
2004-06-04 19:06:20

LoOk!Ng FoR jObs

June 2, 2004 Shio called me and asked me to go out looking for jobs with her in the morning, and I answered. I asked Mum to ride her motorcyle back and had me practice it. Well...Before practicng, ...

2004-05-29 15:17:23

Keep On Writing

Date: May 29, 2004 Time: 7 AM ~ 3 PM Place: Dad's Office "般若波羅蜜多心經"---唐三藏法師玄奘譯 觀自在菩薩。行深般若波羅蜜多時。照見五蘊皆空。度一切苦厄。舍利子。色不異空。空不異色。色即是空...

2004-05-27 12:56:09

Experience Transmission

May 27, 2004 11:00~12:25 Today's the last day of our final exam and after it, we don't have to go to school until June 9 and 10, because we still need to join in out Draduation Day and get our dip...

2004-05-20 20:29:01

I Got It!

May 20, 2004 5:15 PM We had a barbeque activity at school today, but it had been raining heavily. However, we didn’t chance our plan; we enjoyed this activity despite the hateful rain. Because Sh...

2004-05-20 01:01:50

Samsung E708

May 19, 2004 9 PM --- May 20, 2004 1 AM Feeling extremely bored and tired at school, I took rest a lot and didn’t talk much. After watching Bruce Almighty, I started to rest for 4 classes. I tho...

2004-05-17 21:25:39

My Own PC

May 16, 2004 I originally planned to go out, selecting those new computer stuff with my brother and his friend, but it was too hot to go; instead, I stayed home to keep myself from being burn by fa...

2004-05-12 23:55:37


Wednesday, May 12, 2004 PM 11:16 I thought Ted doesn't want to talk to me anymore by mic, but yesterday he suddenly asked "Do you want to talk on skype?" I was shocked and I turned him down; then ...

2004-05-09 20:41:17

Happy Mother''s Day

May 9, 2004 PM 18:30 This morning, I got up at about 7 AM, and I had been cleaning my house, because I had a idea; that was, to celebrate the special Mother's day. After cleaning, I went out t...

2004-04-28 20:53:14

LeiSurE TimE

I didn't talk or smile much at school today, because I was not in a good mood yet. But I guess I will try to make myself feel better and get rid of that melancholy emotion; I've borrowed some movies f...

2004-04-27 00:00:13


Apr. 26, 2004 11:51 PM 40 minutes ago, i burst into tears because my friend said he'd rather talk to the girl, who can teach him chinese than talk to me. >_

2004-04-23 00:37:41


Apr. 22, 2004 PM 10 I became speechless when I first tried the microphone; the worst thing was: I was talking to my nice friend, Ted. I thought I might bore and upset him a lot a lot, because of m...

2004-04-22 18:02:18


Apr. 22, 2004 AM 10:15 Feeling sleepy and kinda tired at school, I still spent some time reading "My Side" by David Beckham. Just at the moment I took a rest, I was called by our counselor. C...

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